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An Ember addon to allow @ember/test-helpers to manage asynchronous operations

Results 13 ember-test-waiters issues
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Applies https://github.com/embroider-build/addon-blueprint Beware, the lockfile ![image](https://github.com/emberjs/ember-test-waiters/assets/199018/9fdd3909-f8c4-45a1-974c-9453a69d1c2a)


The new waiter system was introduced in 2020: https://rfcs.emberjs.com/id/0581-new-test-waiters


NOTE: the `main` branch will not be releasable during this time, because we need to complete the plan, so that there is minimal/zero disruption to folks' test suites. Here is...

Changes - use ember-source built in types (DT types are best effort, and not great for modern use as they are not compatible with ember-data (ember-data is compatible with the...


This PR is a preview of the release that [release-plan](https://github.com/embroider-build/release-plan) has prepared. To release you should just merge this PR 👍 ----------------------------------------- ## Release (2024-05-07) @ember/test-waiters 4.0.0 (major) #### :boom:...


the only way to pass a label to `beginAsync` is to also pass a token yourself, meaning: ```ts waiter.beginAsync(waiter.nextToken(), myLabel) ``` in production builds this will throw because the no-op...

The Error ```ts error TS1236: The return type of a property decorator function must be either 'void' or 'any'. Unable to resolve signature of property decorator when called as an...

Is it feasible to provide a type for `waitFor` that is compatible with Ember's runloop functions? Looking to do something like: ```ts schedule('afterRender', waitFor(async () => { … })) ```...

Right now, the minified production code that `ember-test-waiters` puts in a build is around [3.4K](https://github.com/emberjs/ember-test-waiters/issues/121#issuecomment-658674960). It would be nice to make this as low as possible. cc @rwjblue, @scalvert


```javascript @waitFor('my-label') async doSomething() {} ``` Errors with ``` wait-for.js:38 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: fn.call is not a function at wait-for.js:38 at index.js:15 at Array.reduce () at _applyDecoratedDescriptor (index.js:15) at...