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Ember for Rails 3.1+

Results 18 ember-rails issues
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The following generators create this comment: `// for more details see: http://emberjs.com/guides/application/` * lib/generators/templates/app.module.es6 * lib/generators/templates/application.coffee * lib/generators/templates/application.em * lib/generators/templates/application.js However, [http://emberjs.com/guides/application/](http://emberjs.com/guides/application/) redirects to [https://guides.emberjs.com/v2.11.0/application/](https://guides.emberjs.com/v2.11.0/application/), which is a 404.

From the README is not entirely clear what the recommended way to go about ES6 modules and dependencies is for Ember files and otherwise. Is another gem (e.g. [webpacker](https://github.com/rails/webpacker)) required...

I see error in console when I load the page: ``` Uncaught ReferenceError: define is not defined at environment.self-5ac0a43….js?body=1:1 DEBUG: ------------------------------- ember.self-afe3db4….js?body=1:5736 DEBUG: Ember : 2.10.2 ember.self-afe3db4….js?body=1:5736 DEBUG: Ember Data...

After upgrading to version `0.16.1` the build consistently fails, that is, I'm not able to run `bundle exec rake assets:precompile` successfully. Here's the stack trace which suggests that there is...

Hi guys, the "ember:install" generator seems to get confused with some application.js and injects the Ember hooks multiple times: ``` // This is a manifest file that'll be compiled into...

Ok, I got it installed. Next what? It does not work as traditional EmberJS app or Ember-Cli app. I know how to create REST services in Rails, I know how...

Every time Rails is initialized, ember-rails copies ember & ember-data from the local gem to tmp/ember-rails. When a user runs the ember-rails updater, versions are stored in /vendor/assets. If the...

What am I missing here? ``` ➜ geo_trak git:(master) ✗ grep ember Gemfile* Gemfile:gem "ember-rails", "~> 0.16.4" Gemfile:gem "ember-source", "~> 1.10.0" Gemfile.lock: ember-source Gemfile.lock: ember-data-source (1.0.0.beta.15) Gemfile.lock: ember-source (~> 1.8)...

having the handlebars_assets gem in along with ember-rails will cause an unending fury of frustration since none of the templates will ever get picked up and you wont know why...