
Results 20 issues of ember11498

Is this a known bug? when keyboard is active the overlay throwing an exception when i tap on headings or color picker


Can we please have an easy way to set a maximum text length or at least make the overflow text (text after the max length) be colored background red or...


I am not referring to annotations markers! I am referring to markers created by the creation of addSource and then addStyle using GeoJsonSource. Basically i have a list of Point...

the error in question: IsarError: Cannot open Environment: MdbxError (75): Value too large for defined data type happens in 86 emulators

It hinders performance to constantly do useless rebuilds because users scroll fast through the numbers and the middle numbers dont matter and dont need to be updated. What matters is...

This is very simple, its just a aesthetic feature. I would like to see rounded background text highlight instead of very straigth lines like it is right now


The maps are only displaying correctly the first time you launch the app after cleaning the build folder. Second, third, etc the map will display blank with glerror. The map...

Basically the map is not displayed but it is kind of there. if scroll the center coordinates change, so map is there but its invisible. logs: W/om.example.temp( 7860): Accessing hidden...

I am not even sure what Theme.AppCompat is but when my mapbox maps loads i get this messages (the map is displayed anyways): W/om.example.tem(14226): Accessing hidden field Landroid/graphics/Typeface;->sSystemFontMap:Ljava/util/Map; (greylist, reflection,...

### Please check the following before submitting a new issue. - [X] I have searched the [existing issues](https://github.com/baseflow/flutter-permission-handler/issues). - [X] I have carefully [read the documentation](https://github.com/Baseflow/flutter-permission-handler/blob/main/permission_handler/README.md) and verified I have...