O ideal era dar user um errorHandlingWrapper aqui nesta função: FutureOr? applyHandler( Function fn, { required Request request, required ModularArguments arguments, required AutoInjector injector, }) { //less if (fn is...
Se calhar tenho que criar uma extension on Routes ou extension noutra parte. e usava tipo assim: Route.get('/check-stauts/:refresh', _checkStatus).wrapHandler(_handleErrors), extension CustomRouteExtension on Route { Route wrapHandler() { return Route.copy(this)..handler =...
@isoos I have read your workaround. I am just wondering when result.first.toColumnMap() will support enum, meaning the custom enum varables being represented as the strings instead of Instance of 'UndecodedBytes'....
@isoos I just wrote an extension on Result that works prety well. import 'package:postgres/postgres.dart'; extension ResultExtensions on Result { List get tableToMap { return map((row) { return row.toColumnMap().map((key, value) {...
@isoos I just tried to do connection.channels but there isnt any property called channel? openChannel function class PostgresDatabase implements RemoteDatabase, Disposable { final completer = Completer(); final EnvService env; PostgresDatabase(this.env)...
@isoos maybe its something like this? Future openChannel() async { final connection = await completer.future; connection.notifications.listen((event) { print(event.channel); print(event.payload); print(event.processID); }); } but this doesnt specify the channel
@isoos I just figured that I was using legacy version. I will update to the latest version. thanks
@isoos after changing the my dart code I launched my backend server again but I got this error: Severity.error Server does not support SSL, but it was required. #0 PgConnectionImplementation._connect...
After turning SslMode.disable it now runs without errors. However, in my pgadmin4 if i query: SELECT pg_notify('new_friend', '{"id1": 1, "id2": 2}'); Nothing is printed in my backend. I was expecting...
@isoos this works: Future openChannel() async { final conn = await completer.future; return conn.channels['coco'].listen((event) { print(event); print('yes'); }); } but this doesnt: Future openChannel() async { final conn = await...