MLInvoice icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
MLInvoice copied to clipboard

Free web-based invoicing primarily for Finnish companies


In English

MLInvoice is a free web-based invoicing system primarily for Finnish companies. It includes support for creating and emailing PDFs and Finvoice electronic invoices. The code is written and commented in English. The user interface is available in both Finnish and English, and invoices can also be created in both languages independently of the UI language. Different locale settings can be defined in the language files. It is also possible to add new translations without having to touch the code.

Main Features:

  • Client Registry
  • Product Registry
  • PDF Invoices
  • Invoice archiving
  • Reporting
  • Email sending
  • Finvoice support

See the MLInvoice home page at for more information, installation instructions and the change log.

N.B. If you install MLInvoice from git (not using one of the releases), be sure to run "composer install" after downloading or cloning the repository to install external dependencies. This is also the case for the release branch in GitHub. Visit if you don't already have composer installed.

Release packages at include the dependencies.

Running with Docker

Running MLInvoice in a Docker container is now also supported. MLInvoice is available at Docker Hub:

For development purposes, Docker and Docker-compose are required. When they are available, it's enough to download MLInvoice, extract it into a directory, enter the directory in a terminal and execute the command docker-compose up. When the containers have been created and have started, MLInvoice will be available at http://localhost:8000/. Note that the database is created in the db_data subdirectory, so make sure not to delete it unless you want to start from scratch.

Useful docker commands:

docker-compose up - Start the containers in foreground (Ctrl-C to stop)

docker-compose up -d - Start the containers in background (use docker-compose stop to stop them)

docker-compose up --build - Start the containers after rebuilding them

docker-compose down - Stop the containers

docker run -it mlinvoice_mlinvoice /bin/bash - Open a terminal inside the container

Running with Vagrant

There is a separate MLInvoice-Vagrant project that allows running MLInvoice under Vagrant. See for more information.

Information for Developers

  • SASS is used to create the CSS files (grunt sass, grunt uglify, grunt watch).
  • JS files are compiled to a single file.
  • grunt watch can be used to compile scss and js files as they change.
  • The custom icon set is created with Fontello from Font Awesome set.
  • For acceptance tests, MLInvoice must be found at http://localhost/mlinvoice-test.
  • For coverage reports of acceptance tests, pcov needs to be installed (pecl install pcov) and Apache configuration from httpd_mlinvoice_test.conf.sample enabled so that c3 can be accessed via e.g. http://localhost/mlinvoice-test/c3/report/html. Run vendor/bin/phing ci-setup ci-codeception-coverage ci-teardown and check results in tests/_output/acceptance.remote.coverage/.
  • To run a specific test after ci-setup, run e.g. vendor/bin/codecept --steps run acceptance BasicFunctionalityCest:login
  • Note that some tests require the browser window to be large enough to fit the controls on the screen due to some issues with the Firefox webdriver being unable to scroll to click an element outside of the viewport.


MLInvoice on ilmainen web-pohjainen laskutusjärjestelmä erityisesti suomalaisille yrityksille. Pääominaisuuksia ovat:

  • Asiakasrekisteri
  • Tuoterekisteri
  • PDF-laskut
  • Laskujen arkistointi
  • Raportointi
  • Sähköpostilähetys
  • Finvoice-laskutus

Lisätietoja, asennus- ja päivitysohjeet sekä tiedot muutoksista uusissa versiossa löytyvät MLInvoicen kotisivulta

HUOM! Jos asennat MLInvoicen suoraan git:stä, suorita "composer install" latauksen tai kloonauksen jälkeen asentaaksesi ulkoiset riippuvuudet. Tämä koskee myös release-haaraa GitHubissa. Jos sinulla ei vielä ole composeria asennettuna, käy osoitteessa

Julkaistut versiot osoitteessa sisältävät ulkoiset riippuvuudet.