Etienne Magnier
Etienne Magnier
Please bear with me, as it's not progressing as quickly as expected due to my limited free time. I have no intention of hiding anything, and I prefer to take...
The `dateExceptions` property from the calendar definition already contains the explanation for what reason it might be transferred to another date. Currently, this property isn't output in the final `LiturgicalDay`...
I reopened a PR here to manage this upgrade
Just renaming these keys are not enough. You also need to modify the corresponding constants here: You should try to run romcal locally, and check the computed localized labels....
On a second thought, I'm ultimately not too sure about this modification. I find it good to keep the reference of the year in this property name (the time unit...
Thank you for this last message and sharing your thought. > keep the unit in the names (in the codebase only or also in the localised strings?) -> In the...
These two elements `dedication_of_consecrated_churches_on_october_25` and `dedication_of_consecrated_churches_on_last_sunday_of_october` are included in the Missal and are part of the general Roman calendar; therefore, their definitions should remain in the calendar. They are actually...
Indeed, you are correct. These celebrations are well indicated in the common of the missal (both in Latin and in vernacular). However, they are not mentioned in the GRC. It...
I'm on board with keeping only one of the two definitions of celebrations in the particular calendars I mentioned above. Then, it's up to a sub proper calendar (under `france-*`)...
Yes, we still need a GitHub Action to manage Romcal releases from the `master`/`prod` branch, and release final npm versions of Romcal.