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[TKDD 2023] AdaTime: A Benchmarking Suite for Domain Adaptation on Time Series Data

AdaTime: A Benchmarking Suite for Domain Adaptation on Time Series Data [Paper]

by: Mohamed Ragab*, Emadeldeen Eldele*, Wee Ling Tan, Chuan-Sheng Foo, Zhenghua Chen, Min Wu, Chee Kwoh, Xiaoli Li

AdaTime is a PyTorch suite to systematically and fairly evaluate different domain adaptation methods on time series data.

Disclaimer: This work is for research only and not for commercial use!


  • Python3
  • Pytorch==1.7
  • Numpy==1.20.1
  • scikit-learn==0.24.1
  • Pandas==1.2.4
  • skorch==0.10.0 (For DEV risk calculations)
  • openpyxl==3.0.7 (for classification reports)
  • Wandb=0.12.7 (for sweeps)


Available Datasets

We used four public datasets in this study. We also provide the preprocessed versions as follows:

Adding New Dataset

Structure of data

To add new dataset (e.g., NewData), it should be placed in a folder named: NewData in the datasets directory.

Since "NewData" has several domains, each domain should be split into train/test splits with naming style as "" and "".

The structure of data files should in dictionary form as follows: = {"samples": data, "labels: labels}, and similarly for


Next, you have to add a class with the name NewData in the configs/ file. You can find similar classes for existing datasets as guidelines. Also, you have to specify the cross-domain scenarios in self.scenarios variable.

Last, you have to add another class with the name NewData in the configs/ file to specify the training parameters.

Domain Adaptation Algorithms

Existing Algorithms

Adding New Algorithm

To add a new algorithm, place it in algorithms/ file.

Training procedure

The experiments are organised in a hierarchical way such that:

  • Several experiments are collected under one directory assigned by --experiment_description.
  • Each experiment could have different trials, each is specified by --run_description.
  • For example, if we want to experiment different UDA methods with CNN backbone, we can assign --experiment_description CNN_backnones --run_description DANN and --experiment_description CNN_backnones --run_description DDC and so on.

Training a model

To train a model:

python  --experiment_description exp1  \
                --run_description run_1 \
                --da_method DANN \
                --dataset HHAR \
                --backbone CNN \
                --num_runs 5 \
                --is_sweep False

Launching a sweep

Sweeps here are deployed on Wandb, which makes it easier for visualization, following the training progress, organizing sweeps, and collecting results.

python  --experiment_description exp1_sweep  \
                --run_description sweep_over_lr \
                --da_method DANN \
                --dataset HHAR \
                --backbone CNN \
                --num_runs 5 \
                --is_sweep True \
                --num_sweeps 50 \
                --sweep_project_wandb TEST

Upon the run, you will find the running progress in the specified project page in wandb.

Note: If you got cuda out of memory error during testing, this is probably due to DEV risk calculations

Upper and Lower bounds

To obtain the source-only or the target-only results, you can run file.


  • Each run will have all the cross-domain scenarios results in the format src_to_trg_run_x, where x is the run_id (you can have multiple runs by assigning --num_runs arg).
  • Under each directory, you will find the classification report, a log file, checkpoint, and the different risks scores.
  • By the end of the all the runs, you will find the overall average and std results in the run directory.


For any issues/questions regarding the paper or reproducing the results, please contact any of the following.

Mohamed Ragab: mohamedr002{at}

Emadeldeen Eldele: emad0002{at}

School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE),
Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore.