itt icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
itt copied to clipboard

ITT (Install Tweaks Tool) included all useful Windows 10/11 Software and Windows Tweaks & Remove Bloatwares & Windows activation

Ceasefire Now

Genocide Watch

🔻 ITT (Install Tweaks Tool) 🔻

Typing SVG

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373 App | 40 Tweaks | 11 Settings | 102 Quote | 27 Soundtrack | 12 Localization

ITT Demo



ITT (Install and Tweak Tool)

  • Automated Installation: Say goodbye to manual software installations. ITT automates the process, saving you time and effort.
  • System Tweaks: Customize your Windows environment with ease. ITT provides scripts to apply system tweaks for enhanced performance and usability.
  • Developer-Friendly: Easy-to-use and clear documentation to add a new app or tweaks as you like, you can create a new method to download apps. Be creative. How to Contribute
  • Soundtracks: Enjoy listening to the best music from games and movies while downloading your programs.

⚡ Usage

On Windows 10/11:

  1. Right-click on the Start menu.
  2. Choose "PowerShell" and paste any of the following commands:

Run the script using official commands from this repository. It's not a portable script, so avoid download it from any sites.

irm | iex
irm | iex
irm | iex

or to run it directly from GitHub If URL blocked from your region:

irm | iex
irm | iex

Watch Demo

Watch the video

💡 How to Contribute

  1. Make sure you have PowerShell 7 installed (recommended) for building. is available on ITT

  2. Fork the repository and clone it using Github desktop. is available on ITT

  3. Open the ITT directory in PowerShell 7 run as administrator:

Set-Location "C:\Users\$env:USERNAME\Documents\Github\ITT"
  1. Choose what you want to add.

📦 Add a New App


⚙️ Add a New Tweak


Note: Ensure you understand the tweak you are adding and test it before committing.

🌐 Add your native language


Edit locale.csv file using edit-csv extension

🎨 Create your own theme


🎵 Add a New Soundtrack


📜 Add a New Quote


🛠️ Build and debug

.\build.ps1 -Debug

Remember to test your changes before running the release and committing.

🧹 Realsee

.\build.ps1 -Realsee

Generate clean release version without any comments.

Additional Repositories (Late Update)

GitLab Codeberg

Resistance Struggling for Justice in an Authoritarian World

Typing SVG


Do not hesitate to use your words and participate in the discussion about Palestine, for your voice can bring about change.

In this age, where voices intertwine and humanitarian issues multiply, each of us has a role to play as an influential activist. Every post can reach someone who needs to hear this truth. Every message can be a source of inspiration or awareness for another person.

Do not be afraid to express your opinions, for words are the tools through which we can build awareness and spread the truth. Make your platforms a space for dialogue, and be part of this movement toward positive change. Share stories, ideas, and news—everything you provide can be a step toward achieving justice.

Together, we can be the voice for those who have no voice and work toward a fairer world. Let us unite and raise our voices in support of Palestine and to revive hope in the hearts of those who need it.

لا تتردد في قول كلمتك، وشارك في الحديث عن فلسطين، فصوتك قادر على إحداث التغيير.

في هذا العصر، حيث تتداخل الأصوات وتتزايد القضايا الإنسانية، يبرز دور كل واحد منا كناشط مؤثر. كل منشور يمكن أن يصل إلى شخص يحتاج إلى سماع هذه الحقيقة. كل رسالة يمكن أن تكون مصدر إلهام أو توعية لشخص آخر.

لا تخف من التعبير عن آرائك، فالكلمات هي الأداة التي نستطيع من خلالها بناء الوعي ونشر الحقائق. اجعل منصاتك مساحة للحوار، وكن جزءًا من هذه الحركة نحو التغيير الإيجابي. شارك قصصًا، وأفكارًا، وأخبارًا، فكل ما تقدمه يمكن أن يكون خطوة نحو تحقيق العدالة.

معًا، يمكننا أن نكون صوتًا لمن لا صوت لهم، وأن نعمل من أجل عالم أكثر عدلاً. فلنتحد ونرفع أصواتنا لنصرة فلسطين ولإحياء الأمل في قلوب من يحتاجونه.

Donate to the Palestinian Red Crescent
Other way to support English عربي

Recommended videos.

If you can't lift the injustice, at least tell everyone about it.

🔑 Keywords

itt, Install Tweaks Tool, windows10debloater, windows11debloater, windows-optimization, Application Installation, System Optimization, Windows Tools, Automation, System Customization, Software Updates, Silent Installers, PowerShell Scripts, Developer Tools, Game-engine, godotengine, godot, Windows Applications, windows-tweaks, disable-windows-updates, Open-Source, activator-windows, windows-optimization-tool, tweaks, tweaker, Privacy, StandWithPalestine, Security, privacy-policy, fmhy, choco, winget, download, emadadel, emadadel4, Install Tweaks Tool, ITT, Tweaks Installer, Customization Tool, Windows Tweaks, System Tweaks, PC Optimization, Windows Tweaks Installer, Windows Optimization, Windows Customization Tool, System Utility for Windows, Performance Tweaks Windows, Registry Tweaks Windows, Linux Tweaks Installer, Mac OS Tweaks, System Optimization Tool, Multi-Platform Tweaks Tool, Cross-Platform System Tweaks, Open Source Tweaks Tool, GitHub Tweaks Project, Community Tweaks Installer