retro icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
retro copied to clipboard

Retrospective board for teams, minimal and clean


A ruby HTTP server that allows users to create retrospective boards, and add cards to it.

Light Mode


Dark Mode


How it works

  • A ruby server with Sinatra
  • CSS with Bulma
  • Saves all data in memory
  • User can create board with name, max votes per user, columns names
  • When the server needs the user to have identity it'll redirect him to set his username and assign uuid
  • The board has a form to create a new card in each column
  • Users can edit and delete boards
  • Users can vote on cards
  • Timer at the top is just an iframe that refresh every couple seconds and can be changed by the creator of the board from the edit page

Running the server

Run the server script, it'll install the needed dependencies

bundle install

Using Docker

docker build -t retro .
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 retro

Using Docker hub prebuilt image

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 emadelsaid/retro

Kubernetes deployment

Mohammed Ragab created a kubernetes helm chart to deploy it on your cluster. The repository is available here

Deploy to Heroku

You can deploy it directly to Heroku, it must be one process as it's in memory storage



  • No login needed
  • No persistent data
  • No Javascript
  • Minimal dependencies

Development notes

To generate custom bulma CSS there is an executable script "./css" that will download bulma unzip it and write two SCSS files that generate both light and dark themes. use it in case you want to generate your own custome theme or update bulma to newer version