emacs-theme-darktooth copied to clipboard
Darktooth : From the darkness... it watches.
a theme for Emacs
Darktooth is easily installed via MELPA. Read more here for MELPA setup details
When your Emacs is setup to use MELPA, do this:
M-x package-install darktooth-theme
Darktooth now comes with 2 additional variations, darktooth-dark
and arkdooth-darker
to complement the original darktooth
You will need to enable each of the three theme variations, using (load-theme theme-name t)
, or use:
M-x load-theme RET theme-name RET
And respond to Emacs prompts to enable the theme. (TODO: Screnshots of the dark and darker variations.)
Modes supported
- ac-dabbrev
- ag (The Silver Searcher)
- anzu
- auctex
- avy
- col-highlight
- column-enforce-mode
- column-marker
- company
- diff
- diff-hl
- diff-indicator
- dired+
- el-search
- eldoc
- elfeed
- elixir-mode
- elscreen
- embrace
- erc
- flycheck
- flymake
- git-gutter
- git-gutter+
- git-gutter-fr
- git-gutter-fr+
- haskell
- helm
- helm-swoop
- hi-lock
- highlight-indentation-mode
- highlight-numbers
- highlight-symbol
- hydra
- ido
- isearch
- ivy
- linum-relative
- magit
- man
- message
- org-mode
- popup
- powerline
- rainbow-delimiters
- rainbow-identifiers
- ripgrep
- sh mode
- show-paren
- smart-mode-line
- smartparens
- smerge
- swoop
- term / ansi-colors
- tldr
- vline
- web
- which-func
- which-key
- whitespace-mode
- woman
The Fabled Darktooth Keyboard...
Darktooth Mode line
There's an optional modeline theme available, run (darktooth-modeline)
Darktooth modeline - screenshot
Popup Menu
Popup Tip
Emacs Lisp
Terminal (xterm256 / iTerm)
Inspired by: