lsp-mode copied to clipboard
`lsp-rust-analyzer-inlay-hints-mode` can't be automatically started
Thank you for the bug report
- [X] I am using the latest version of
related packages. - [X] I checked FAQ and Troubleshooting sections
- [X] You may also try reproduce the issue using clean environment using the following command:
M-x lsp-start-plain
Bug description
Hi all,
when using lsp-mode
, the type inference inlays don't work out of the box. Even if I set (setq lsp-rust-analyzer-server-display-inlay-hints t)
in my init file, when I open a .rs
file, the type inlays are not shown. However:
- If I give
M-x lsp-rust-analyzer-inlay-hints-mode
, the mode is disabled - If I give
M-x lsp-rust-analyzer-inlay-hints-mode
again, the mode is started, and the inlays are shown! - On the other hand, evaluating (with
, it is started on the first try. - Using
, the doubleM-x
method works, but theM-:
one not.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Thanks for your time.
Steps to reproduce
- Have
installed. - Have called (in the init file or manually)
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-server-display-inlay-hints t)
- Open a
file - Call twice
M-x lsp-rust-analyzer-inlay-hints-mode
Expected behavior
Have the type inference inlays shown up automatically
Which Language Server did you use?
Rust-analyzer with Rustic mode
Error callstack
No response
Anything else?
NOTE: when starting the server, the message LSP :: Error from the Language Server: waiting for cargo metadata or cargo check (Unknown error)
shows up, but this may (or not?) be unrelated.
EDIT: The reported behaviour happens having in my init file
(require 'rust-mode)
(require 'rustic)
(require 'lsp)
(require 'flycheck)
(with-eval-after-load 'lsp
(with-eval-after-load 'rustic
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-server-display-inlay-hints t)
(add-hook 'rustic-mode-hook #'lsp-rust-analyzer-inlay-hints-mode)
With this configuration, opening a .rs
file it gives me File mode specification error: (void-function lsp-rust-analyzer-inlay-hints-mode)
, and indeed I can't see the function neither in M-x
nor in C-h f
However, only setting (setq lsp-rust-analyzer-server-display-inlay-hints t)
, doesn't give me the error, but I still need to automatically enable the inlays.
Another thing: completely removing the snippet in the previous comment from my init file, I can't find nor the lsp-rust-analyzer variables, nor the function. It seems as the mode is not autoloaded, but gets loaded when I open a rust-analyzer project. However, even after that, adding the function to the hook doesn't show up the inlays, and I must activate it manually.
I recommend use-package since it makes it easier to avoid those problems.
(use-package lsp-mode
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-server-display-inlay-hints t))
(use-package rustic)
(use-package lsp-mode)
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-server-display-inlay-hints t)
In case you still have this issue with an up-to-date lsp-mode and rust-analyzer, feel free to reopen the issue.
Hi, thanks for your help. Turned out that part of the problem is that lsp-rust.el
needed to be manually required (via a require
). Note that now I'm on GNU Emacs 29.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.34, cairo version 1.17.6) of 2022-07-31
, and I'm using the Arch Linux shipped version of rust-analyzer (I don't know if that's useful).
Now, however, I have another problem. When opening a Rust file, I get the message
LSP :: Connected to [rust-analyzer:16126/starting].
LSP :: rust-analyzer:16126 initialized successfully in folders: (/home/alessandro/Rust/Aoc-01-1)
LSP :: Error from the Language Server: waiting for cargo metadata or cargo check (Unknown error) [5 times]
Moreover, the inlay-hints-mode doesn't start automatically. Upon killing the buffer, and reopening (note: without restarting Emacs) I get this backtrace:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "The connected server(s) does not support method textDocument/inlayHint.\nTo find out what capabilities support your server use ‘M-x lsp-describe-session’\nand expand the capabilities section")
error("The connected server(s) does not support method %s.\nTo find out what capabilities support your server use `M-x lsp-describe-session'\nand expand the capabilities section" "textDocument/inlayHint")
lsp--send-request-async((:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "textDocument/inlayHint" :params #<hash-table equal 2/65 0x15896d7a0a11>) #<subr F616e6f6e796d6f75732d6c616d626461_anonymous_lambda_107> tick nil nil nil nil)
lsp-request-async("textDocument/inlayHint" #<hash-table equal 2/65 0x15896d7a0a11> #<subr F616e6f6e796d6f75732d6c616d626461_anonymous_lambda_107> :mode tick)
run-hooks(change-major-mode-after-body-hook prog-mode-hook rust-mode-hook rustic-mode-hook)
apply(run-hooks (change-major-mode-after-body-hook prog-mode-hook rust-mode-hook rustic-mode-hook))
set-auto-mode-0(rustic-mode nil)
set-auto-mode--apply-alist((("\\.odc\\'" . archive-mode) ("\\.odf\\'" . archive-mode) ("\\.odi\\'" . archive-mode) ("\\.otp\\'" . archive-mode) ("\\.odp\\'" . archive-mode) ("\\.otg\\'" . archive-mode) ("\\.odg\\'" . archive-mode) ("\\.ots\\'" . archive-mode) ("\\.ods\\'" . archive-mode) ("\\.odm\\'" . archive-mode) ("\\.ott\\'" . archive-mode) ("\\.odt\\'" . archive-mode) ("\\.uml\\'" . plantuml-mode) ("\\.td\\'" . tablegen-mode) ("\\.ll\\'" . llvm-mode) ("\\.lex\\'" . flex-mode) ("\\.yy\\'" . bison-mode) ("\\.[pP][dD][fF]\\'" . #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x1dc13bd938d7>)) ("\\.hva\\'" . latex-mode) ("\\.jison\\'" . jison-mode) ("\\.l\\'" . flex-mode) ("\\.y\\'" . bison-mode) ("\\(?:build\\|profile\\)\\.boot\\'" . clojure-mode) ("\\.cljs\\'" . clojurescript-mode) ("\\.cljc\\'" . clojurec-mode) ("\\.\\(clj\\|cljd\\|dtm\\|edn\\)\\'" . clojure-mode) ("\\.cmake\\'" . cmake-mode) ("CMakeLists\\.txt\\'" . cmake-mode) ("/Jenkinsfile\\'" . groovy-mode) ("\\.g\\(?:ant\\|roovy\\|radle\\)\\'" . groovy-mode) ("/git-rebase-todo\\'" . git-rebase-mode) ("\\.\\(plantuml\\|pum\\|plu\\)\\'" . plantuml-mode) ("\\.rs\\'" . rustic-mode) ("\\.\\(?:md\\|markdown\\|mkd\\|mdown\\|mkdn\\|mdwn\\)\\'" . markdown-mode) ("/systemd/[^z-a]+?\\.d/[^/]+?\\.conf\\'" . systemd-mode) ("\\.#\\(?:[.0-9@-Z\\_a-z-]+?\\.\\(?:automount\\|busname\\|..." . systemd-mode) ("[.0-9@-Z\\_a-z-]+?\\.\\(?:automount\\|busname\\|link\\|m..." . systemd-mode) ("\\.nspawn\\'" . systemd-mode) ("\\.gpg\\(~\\|\\.~[0-9]+~\\)?\\'" nil epa-file) ("\\.elc\\'" . elisp-byte-code-mode) ("\\.zst\\'" nil jka-compr) ("\\.dz\\'" nil jka-compr) ("\\.xz\\'" nil jka-compr) ("\\.lzma\\'" nil jka-compr) ("\\.lz\\'" nil jka-compr) ("\\.g?z\\'" nil jka-compr) ("\\.bz2\\'" nil jka-compr) ("\\.Z\\'" nil jka-compr) ("\\.vr[hi]?\\'" . vera-mode) ("\\(?:\\.\\(?:rbw?\\|ru\\|rake\\|thor\\|jbuilder\\|rabl\\|ge..." . ruby-mode) ...) nil nil)
after-find-file(nil t)
find-file-noselect-1(#<buffer> "~/Rust/Aoc-01-1/src/" nil nil "~/Rust/Aoc-01-1/src/" (20064237 2067))
find-file-noselect("/home/alessandro/Rust/Aoc-01-1/src/" nil nil nil)
dired--find-file(find-file "/home/alessandro/Rust/Aoc-01-1/src/")
I forgot a possibly important thing: if, in my init file, I comment out the section on dap-mode
, I still get the errors, but the inlays are successfully started!
Does it work with a minimal config ? rustic requires lsp-rust so if you have a minimal config with (use-package lsp-mode) (use-package rustic)
it should work.
Ok, I think I (almost) got it. Following a suggestion from @nitincodery , I see this intervetion from yyoncho, where they suggested to use
(add-hook 'lsp-after-open-hook (lambda ()
(when (lsp-find-workspace 'rust-analyzer nil)
instead of
(add-hook 'rustic-mode-hook #'lsp-rust-analyzer-inlay-hints-mode)
Putting that in my init.el
, I still get a few errors, but the inlays works🎉. Specifically, sometimes I have to edit (even without saving) the buffer to refresh the display, but then they're on.
May I suggest to add this to the tutorial config page? It seems something other users can benefit from.
Ok, I think I (almost) got it. Following a suggestion from @nitincodery , I see this intervetion from yyoncho, where they suggested to use
(add-hook 'lsp-after-open-hook (lambda () (when (lsp-find-workspace 'rust-analyzer nil) (lsp-rust-analyzer-inlay-hints-mode))))
instead of
(add-hook 'rustic-mode-hook #'lsp-rust-analyzer-inlay-hints-mode)
Putting that in my
, I still get a few errors, but the inlays works🎉. Specifically, sometimes I have to edit (even without saving) the buffer to refresh the display, but then they're on.May I suggest to add this to the tutorial config page? It seems something other users can benefit from.
I still get the same issue even with the lsp-after-open-hook lambda.
Hi, I'm still having a similar issue, I can't see the inlays after just opening a rust file, but when I start editing the first character (whatever I do, e.g just adding a space somewhere) they show up. Is it by design?
It still requires an edit before showing also for me.
There is PR for moving this functionality in the core. After that, this issue should go away.