lsp-java icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
lsp-java copied to clipboard

The eldoc not working!!!

Open sincebyte opened this issue 1 year ago • 15 comments

Describe the bug The eldoc not working within the lsp-java. oh, I remember that it's became unavailable in recent months.

Note Some infomation show on the **message** eldoc-doc-buffer: ElDoc buffer doesn’t exist, maybe ‘M-x eldoc’ to produce one. But ‘M-x eldoc’ show: There is no ElDoc support in this buffer

I found eldoc setting at here

(setq lsp-eldoc-enable-hover nil)

To Reproduce I use doom emacs and use lsp setting blow:

(add-hook 'java-mode-hook
        lsp-idle-delay                             0.1
        lsp-eldoc-enable-hover                     t
        lsp-java-format-comments-enabled           nil
        lsp-java-save-actions-organize-imports     nil
        lsp-java-autobuild-enabled                 t
        lsp-inhibit-message                        t
        lsp-java-completion-guess-method-arguments t
        lsp-completion-show-kind                   nil
        lsp-completion-sort-initial-results        t
        lsp-completion-show-detail                 nil
        lsp-completion-enable-additional-text-edit t
        lsp-java-progress-reports-enabled          nil
        lsp-completion-show-label-description      nil
        lsp-modeline-diagnostics-enable            t
        lsp-modeline-diagnostics-scope             :workspace
        lsp-modeline-code-actions-enable           nil
        lsp-enable-file-watchers                   nil
        lsp-lens-enable                            t))

Expected behavior The expected behavior should like what we can see here blow .

Screenshots CleanShot 2023-05-02 at 22 54 28

Logs eldoc-doc-buffer: ElDoc buffer doesn’t exist, maybe ‘M-x eldoc’ to produce one. But ‘M-x eldoc’ show: There is no ElDoc support in this buffer

sincebyte avatar May 02 '23 14:05 sincebyte

lsp-java-format-on-type-enabled do not work with the same config.

sincebyte avatar May 25 '23 12:05 sincebyte

hello,anybodyhere. I really need some help.

sincebyte avatar Jun 13 '23 02:06 sincebyte

Can you test with M-x lsp-start-plain?

Also, this one is wrong:

(add-hook 'java-mode-hook
        lsp-idle-delay                             0.1
        lsp-eldoc-enable-hover                     t
        lsp-java-format-comments-enabled           nil
        lsp-java-save-actions-organize-imports     nil
        lsp-java-autobuild-enabled                 t
        lsp-inhibit-message                        t
        lsp-java-completion-guess-method-arguments t
        lsp-completion-show-kind                   nil
        lsp-completion-sort-initial-results        t
        lsp-completion-show-detail                 nil
        lsp-completion-enable-additional-text-edit t
        lsp-java-progress-reports-enabled          nil
        lsp-completion-show-label-description      nil
        lsp-modeline-diagnostics-enable            t
        lsp-modeline-diagnostics-scope             :workspace
        lsp-modeline-code-actions-enable           nil
        lsp-enable-file-watchers                   nil
        lsp-lens-enable                            t))

The setq has to be wrapped in (lambda () ...)

yyoncho avatar Jun 13 '23 07:06 yyoncho

And as a side note, you can put these on top level no need to set them in a hook.

yyoncho avatar Jun 13 '23 07:06 yyoncho

I have changed by wrapped with lambda but nothing changed. this is my java config which base on doom emac's module.

sincebyte avatar Jun 15 '23 05:06 sincebyte

Can you test with M-x lsp-start-plain?

did you had the chance to try that?

yyoncho avatar Jun 15 '23 06:06 yyoncho

Can you test with M-x lsp-start-plain?

did you had the chance to try that?

yes,but jdtls startup faild

sincebyte avatar Jun 15 '23 07:06 sincebyte

My laptop is macos, emacs distribution provied by emacsports. The elisp's eldoc could show ,but java can not. CleanShot 2023-06-16 at 22 47 15

sincebyte avatar Jun 16 '23 14:06 sincebyte

And when I exec the (eldoc-print-current-symbol-info) message show :

(fn BOUND)"])
Error during redisplay: (jit-lock-function 2523) signaled (wrong-type-argument stringp #[257 "\30021 \301\302\303#\2050 \304\224\204 \305`S\306\"\211<\203! \307>\204' \211\307
=\203, \310\300\303\"\210\210\202 0\207" [found re-search-forward 
"\\(\\\\\\\\\\)\\(?:\\(\\\\\\\\\\)\\|\\((\\(?:\\?[0-9]*:\\)?\\|[|)]\\)\\)" t 2
 get-text-property face font-lock-string-face throw] 5 "

sincebyte avatar Jun 17 '23 02:06 sincebyte

Can you test with M-x lsp-start-plain?

did you had the chance to try that?

M-x lsp-start-plain but the issue still exist; CleanShot 2023-06-17 at 12 02 14

sincebyte avatar Jun 17 '23 04:06 sincebyte

@yyoncho i need u💦

sincebyte avatar Jun 20 '23 11:06 sincebyte

and eldoc-print-current-symbol-info return nil..

sincebyte avatar Sep 27 '23 15:09 sincebyte

Can you enable the log and check if the server is returning the proper result? Also check what happens after M-x toggle-debug-on-error

yyoncho avatar Sep 27 '23 17:09 yyoncho

Can you enable the log and check if the server is returning the proper result? Also check what happens after M-x toggle-debug-on-error

I did ,but pop nothing

sincebyte avatar Sep 28 '23 04:09 sincebyte

lsp-java config

(setq lsp-java-format-settings-url   (expand-file-name (concat doom-user-dir "neoemacs/Intellij_Spring_Boot_Java_Conventions.xml"))
      lsp-java-java-path             "/Users/van/soft/jdk/jdk-17.0.6.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java"
      lsp-maven-path                 "~/.m2/settings.xml"
      lsp-java-configuration-maven-user-settings (expand-file-name lsp-maven-path )
      lsp-java-vmargs                `("-XX:+UseParallelGC"
                                       (concat "-javaagent:"
                                       (expand-file-name (concat doom-user-dir "neoemacs/lombok.jar")))))

my ~/.emacs.d/.local/etc/java-workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.launching/libraryInfos.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <libraryInfo home="/Users/van/soft/jdk/jdk-17.0.6.jdk/Contents/Home" version="17.0.6"/>

when lsp server start up there have a error

  seq-elt([] 2)
  (if (seq-elt arguments\? 2) t :json-false)
  (aset arguments\? 2 (if (seq-elt arguments\? 2) t :json-false))
  (let ((lsp--cur-workspace (lsp-find-workspace 'boot-ls nil))) (aset arguments\? 2 (if (seq-elt arguments\? 2) t :json-false)) (lsp-request "workspace/executeCommand" (list :command command :arguments arguments\?)))
  (ignore (let ((lsp--cur-workspace (lsp-find-workspace 'boot-ls nil))) (aset arguments\? 2 (if (seq-elt arguments\? 2) t :json-false)) (lsp-request "workspace/executeCommand" (list :command command :arguments arguments\?))))
  (let nil (ignore (let ((lsp--cur-workspace (lsp-find-workspace 'boot-ls nil))) (aset arguments\? 2 (if (seq-elt arguments\? 2) t :json-false)) (lsp-request "workspace/executeCommand" (list :command command :arguments arguments\?)))))
  (if (equal command '"java.action.organizeImports.chooseImports") (let nil (let ((input0 arguments\?)) (let* ((file-uri (aref input0 0)) (imports (aref input0 1))) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (find-file (lsp--uri-to-path file-uri))) (apply #'vector (seq-map #'... imports)))))) (let nil (ignore (let ((lsp--cur-workspace (lsp-find-workspace 'boot-ls nil))) (aset arguments\? 2 (if (seq-elt arguments\? 2) t :json-false)) (lsp-request "workspace/executeCommand" (list :command command :arguments arguments\?))))))
  (let* ((command (plist-get input0 :command)) (arguments\? (plist-get input0 :arguments))) (if (equal command '"java.action.organizeImports.chooseImports") (let nil (let ((input0 arguments\?)) (let* ((file-uri (aref input0 0)) (imports (aref input0 1))) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (find-file ...)) (apply #'vector (seq-map ... imports)))))) (let nil (ignore (let ((lsp--cur-workspace (lsp-find-workspace ... nil))) (aset arguments\? 2 (if (seq-elt arguments\? 2) t :json-false)) (lsp-request "workspace/executeCommand" (list :command command :arguments arguments\?)))))))
  (let ((input0 params)) (let* ((command (plist-get input0 :command)) (arguments\? (plist-get input0 :arguments))) (if (equal command '"java.action.organizeImports.chooseImports") (let nil (let ((input0 arguments\?)) (let* ((file-uri ...) (imports ...)) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer ...) (apply ... ...))))) (let nil (ignore (let ((lsp--cur-workspace ...)) (aset arguments\? 2 (if ... t :json-false)) (lsp-request "workspace/executeCommand" (list :command command :arguments arguments\?))))))))
  lsp-java-boot--workspace-execute-client-command(#s(lsp--workspace :ewoc #s(ewoc :buffer #<buffer *lsp-log: jdtls:33178*> :pretty-printer lsp--log-entry-pp :header [... ... "" #<marker at 1 in *lsp-log: jdtls:33178*>] :footer [... ... "" #<marker at 59048 in *lsp-log: jdtls:33178*>] :dll [... ... DL-LIST #<marker at 59048 in *lsp-log: jdtls:33178*>] :last-node nil :hf-pp insert) :server-capabilities (:textDocumentSync (:openClose t :change 2 :willSave t :willSaveWaitUntil t :save ...) :documentHighlightProvider t :documentSymbolProvider t :workspaceSymbolProvider t :codeLensProvider (:resolveProvider t) :foldingRangeProvider t :executeCommandProvider (:commands ...) :workspace (:workspaceFolders ...) :callHierarchyProvider t :semanticTokensProvider (:legend ... :range nil :full ... :documentSelector ...) :inlayHintProvider t) :registered-server-capabilities (#s(lsp--registered-capability :id "7f3e4893-38fa-483f-b66a-98..." :method "textDocument/selectionRang..." :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "ff9a37ca-370e-440e-8c56-c6..." :method "textDocument/codeAction" :options ...) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "c2163bb8-c731-4527-a5b1-4c..." :method "textDocument/rename" :options ...) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "20fb278e-d6df-4cfd-9c0a-1d..." :method "textDocument/signatureHelp" :options ...) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "79d58e76-d6ec-405b-83f2-76..." :method "textDocument/onTypeFormatt..." :options ...) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "2f612c07-45e3-4065-94bd-53..." :method "textDocument/rangeFormatti..." :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "f598b7a6-2cf8-4704-a3ec-19..." :method "textDocument/formatting" :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "4325c6f9-2845-4e49-8674-73..." :method "textDocument/completion" :options ...) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "fb030647-ded0-4a47-8a0e-ae..." :method "textDocument/implementatio..." :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "f7a935f7-7e99-49fa-a69c-7d..." :method "workspace/didChangeWorkspa..." :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "61faf3c9-0241-4157-938b-0a..." :method "textDocument/references" :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "40a16f88-b3cc-489c-9599-48..." :method "textDocument/hover" :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "ac29d942-42c6-4397-99f7-cb..." :method "textDocument/typeDefinitio..." :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "6cf4d954-78db-4627-8ed3-25..." :method "textDocument/declaration" :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "80d3b16b-1376-47c3-9ba1-98..." :method "textDocument/definition" :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "test-id" :method "workspace/didChangeWatched..." :options ...)) :root "/Users/van/workspace/land-..." :client #s(lsp--client :language-id nil :add-on? nil :new-connection (:connect #f(compiled-function (filter sentinel name environment-fn workspace) #<bytecode -0x1d16c886079e761f>) :test\? lsp-java--locate-server-jar) :ignore-regexps nil :ignore-messages nil :notification-handlers #<hash-table equal 5/65 0x4b93f23d> :request-handlers #<hash-table equal 1/65 0x47b74e0f> :response-handlers #<hash-table eql 2/65 0x47bf97bd> :prefix-function nil :uri-handlers #<hash-table equal 1/65 0x4a7077db> :action-handlers #<hash-table equal 11/65 0x47eb25bd> :major-modes (java-mode java-ts-mode jdee-mode) :activation-fn nil :priority 0 :server-id jdtls :multi-root t :initialization-options (closure ... nil ...) :semantic-tokens-faces-overrides nil :custom-capabilities nil :library-folders-fn (closure ... ... ...) :before-file-open-fn (closure ... ... ...) :initialized-fn (closure ... ... ...) :remote? nil :completion-in-comments? t :path->uri-fn nil :uri->path-fn nil ...) :host-root nil :proc #<process jdtls> :cmd-proc #<process jdtls> :buffers (#<buffer>) :semantic-tokens-faces nil :semantic-tokens-modifier-faces nil :extra-client-capabilities nil :status initialized :metadata #<hash-table equal 0/65 0x46a52db1> :watches #<hash-table equal 0/65 0x4ae456b5> :workspace-folders nil :last-id 0 :status-string nil :shutdown-action nil :diagnostics #<hash-table equal 0/65 0x4ae456d5> :work-done-tokens #<hash-table equal 1/65 0x46a52dd1>) (:command "_java.reloadBundles.comman..." :arguments []))
  lsp--on-request(#s(lsp--workspace :ewoc #s(ewoc :buffer #<buffer *lsp-log: jdtls:33178*> :pretty-printer lsp--log-entry-pp :header [... ... "" #<marker at 1 in *lsp-log: jdtls:33178*>] :footer [... ... "" #<marker at 59048 in *lsp-log: jdtls:33178*>] :dll [... ... DL-LIST #<marker at 59048 in *lsp-log: jdtls:33178*>] :last-node nil :hf-pp insert) :server-capabilities (:textDocumentSync (:openClose t :change 2 :willSave t :willSaveWaitUntil t :save ...) :documentHighlightProvider t :documentSymbolProvider t :workspaceSymbolProvider t :codeLensProvider (:resolveProvider t) :foldingRangeProvider t :executeCommandProvider (:commands ...) :workspace (:workspaceFolders ...) :callHierarchyProvider t :semanticTokensProvider (:legend ... :range nil :full ... :documentSelector ...) :inlayHintProvider t) :registered-server-capabilities (#s(lsp--registered-capability :id "7f3e4893-38fa-483f-b66a-98..." :method "textDocument/selectionRang..." :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "ff9a37ca-370e-440e-8c56-c6..." :method "textDocument/codeAction" :options ...) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "c2163bb8-c731-4527-a5b1-4c..." :method "textDocument/rename" :options ...) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "20fb278e-d6df-4cfd-9c0a-1d..." :method "textDocument/signatureHelp" :options ...) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "79d58e76-d6ec-405b-83f2-76..." :method "textDocument/onTypeFormatt..." :options ...) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "2f612c07-45e3-4065-94bd-53..." :method "textDocument/rangeFormatti..." :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "f598b7a6-2cf8-4704-a3ec-19..." :method "textDocument/formatting" :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "4325c6f9-2845-4e49-8674-73..." :method "textDocument/completion" :options ...) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "fb030647-ded0-4a47-8a0e-ae..." :method "textDocument/implementatio..." :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "f7a935f7-7e99-49fa-a69c-7d..." :method "workspace/didChangeWorkspa..." :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "61faf3c9-0241-4157-938b-0a..." :method "textDocument/references" :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "40a16f88-b3cc-489c-9599-48..." :method "textDocument/hover" :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "ac29d942-42c6-4397-99f7-cb..." :method "textDocument/typeDefinitio..." :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "6cf4d954-78db-4627-8ed3-25..." :method "textDocument/declaration" :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "80d3b16b-1376-47c3-9ba1-98..." :method "textDocument/definition" :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "test-id" :method "workspace/didChangeWatched..." :options ...)) :root "/Users/van/workspace/land-..." :client #s(lsp--client :language-id nil :add-on? nil :new-connection (:connect #f(compiled-function (filter sentinel name environment-fn workspace) #<bytecode -0x1d16c886079e761f>) :test\? lsp-java--locate-server-jar) :ignore-regexps nil :ignore-messages nil :notification-handlers #<hash-table equal 5/65 0x4b93f23d> :request-handlers #<hash-table equal 1/65 0x47b74e0f> :response-handlers #<hash-table eql 2/65 0x47bf97bd> :prefix-function nil :uri-handlers #<hash-table equal 1/65 0x4a7077db> :action-handlers #<hash-table equal 11/65 0x47eb25bd> :major-modes (java-mode java-ts-mode jdee-mode) :activation-fn nil :priority 0 :server-id jdtls :multi-root t :initialization-options (closure ... nil ...) :semantic-tokens-faces-overrides nil :custom-capabilities nil :library-folders-fn (closure ... ... ...) :before-file-open-fn (closure ... ... ...) :initialized-fn (closure ... ... ...) :remote? nil :completion-in-comments? t :path->uri-fn nil :uri->path-fn nil ...) :host-root nil :proc #<process jdtls> :cmd-proc #<process jdtls> :buffers (#<buffer>) :semantic-tokens-faces nil :semantic-tokens-modifier-faces nil :extra-client-capabilities nil :status initialized :metadata #<hash-table equal 0/65 0x46a52db1> :watches #<hash-table equal 0/65 0x4ae456b5> :workspace-folders nil :last-id 0 :status-string nil :shutdown-action nil :diagnostics #<hash-table equal 0/65 0x4ae456d5> :work-done-tokens #<hash-table equal 1/65 0x46a52dd1>) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :id "23" :method "workspace/executeClientCom..." :params (:command "_java.reloadBundles.comman..." :arguments [])))
  lsp--parser-on-message((:jsonrpc "2.0" :id "23" :method "workspace/executeClientCom..." :params (:command "_java.reloadBundles.comman..." :arguments [])) #s(lsp--workspace :ewoc #s(ewoc :buffer #<buffer *lsp-log: jdtls:33178*> :pretty-printer lsp--log-entry-pp :header [... ... "" #<marker at 1 in *lsp-log: jdtls:33178*>] :footer [... ... "" #<marker at 59048 in *lsp-log: jdtls:33178*>] :dll [... ... DL-LIST #<marker at 59048 in *lsp-log: jdtls:33178*>] :last-node nil :hf-pp insert) :server-capabilities (:textDocumentSync (:openClose t :change 2 :willSave t :willSaveWaitUntil t :save ...) :documentHighlightProvider t :documentSymbolProvider t :workspaceSymbolProvider t :codeLensProvider (:resolveProvider t) :foldingRangeProvider t :executeCommandProvider (:commands ...) :workspace (:workspaceFolders ...) :callHierarchyProvider t :semanticTokensProvider (:legend ... :range nil :full ... :documentSelector ...) :inlayHintProvider t) :registered-server-capabilities (#s(lsp--registered-capability :id "7f3e4893-38fa-483f-b66a-98..." :method "textDocument/selectionRang..." :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "ff9a37ca-370e-440e-8c56-c6..." :method "textDocument/codeAction" :options ...) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "c2163bb8-c731-4527-a5b1-4c..." :method "textDocument/rename" :options ...) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "20fb278e-d6df-4cfd-9c0a-1d..." :method "textDocument/signatureHelp" :options ...) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "79d58e76-d6ec-405b-83f2-76..." :method "textDocument/onTypeFormatt..." :options ...) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "2f612c07-45e3-4065-94bd-53..." :method "textDocument/rangeFormatti..." :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "f598b7a6-2cf8-4704-a3ec-19..." :method "textDocument/formatting" :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "4325c6f9-2845-4e49-8674-73..." :method "textDocument/completion" :options ...) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "fb030647-ded0-4a47-8a0e-ae..." :method "textDocument/implementatio..." :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "f7a935f7-7e99-49fa-a69c-7d..." :method "workspace/didChangeWorkspa..." :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "61faf3c9-0241-4157-938b-0a..." :method "textDocument/references" :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "40a16f88-b3cc-489c-9599-48..." :method "textDocument/hover" :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "ac29d942-42c6-4397-99f7-cb..." :method "textDocument/typeDefinitio..." :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "6cf4d954-78db-4627-8ed3-25..." :method "textDocument/declaration" :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "80d3b16b-1376-47c3-9ba1-98..." :method "textDocument/definition" :options nil) #s(lsp--registered-capability :id "test-id" :method "workspace/didChangeWatched..." :options ...)) :root "/Users/van/workspace/land-..." :client #s(lsp--client :language-id nil :add-on? nil :new-connection (:connect #f(compiled-function (filter sentinel name environment-fn workspace) #<bytecode -0x1d16c886079e761f>) :test\? lsp-java--locate-server-jar) :ignore-regexps nil :ignore-messages nil :notification-handlers #<hash-table equal 5/65 0x4b93f23d> :request-handlers #<hash-table equal 1/65 0x47b74e0f> :response-handlers #<hash-table eql 2/65 0x47bf97bd> :prefix-function nil :uri-handlers #<hash-table equal 1/65 0x4a7077db> :action-handlers #<hash-table equal 11/65 0x47eb25bd> :major-modes (java-mode java-ts-mode jdee-mode) :activation-fn nil :priority 0 :server-id jdtls :multi-root t :initialization-options (closure ... nil ...) :semantic-tokens-faces-overrides nil :custom-capabilities nil :library-folders-fn (closure ... ... ...) :before-file-open-fn (closure ... ... ...) :initialized-fn (closure ... ... ...) :remote? nil :completion-in-comments? t :path->uri-fn nil :uri->path-fn nil ...) :host-root nil :proc #<process jdtls> :cmd-proc #<process jdtls> :buffers (#<buffer>) :semantic-tokens-faces nil :semantic-tokens-modifier-faces nil :extra-client-capabilities nil :status initialized :metadata #<hash-table equal 0/65 0x46a52db1> :watches #<hash-table equal 0/65 0x4ae456b5> :workspace-folders nil :last-id 0 :status-string nil :shutdown-action nil :diagnostics #<hash-table equal 0/65 0x4ae456d5> :work-done-tokens #<hash-table equal 1/65 0x46a52dd1>))
  #f(compiled-function (msg) #<bytecode 0x13c292b2e6e9b563>)((:jsonrpc "2.0" :id "23" :method "workspace/executeClientCommand" :params (:command "_java.reloadBundles.command" :arguments [])))
  mapc(#f(compiled-function (msg) #<bytecode 0x13c292b2e6e9b563>) ((:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "$/progress" :params (:token "137c01a2-64d4-4573-996b-a6ec863c..." :value (:kind "end" :message "Importing Maven project(s)"))) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "window/logMessage" :params (:type 3 :message "Oct 8, 2023, 11:58:14 AM Workspa...")) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "language/status" :params (:type "Started" :message "Ready")) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :id "4" :method "window/workDoneProgress/create" :params (:token "33f7d0ed-456c-4e5f-a664-aaa677c0...")) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "$/progress" :params (:token "33f7d0ed-456c-4e5f-a664-aaa677c0..." :value (:kind "begin" :title "Synchronizing projects" :message "Synchronizing projects"))) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "$/progress" :params (:token "33f7d0ed-456c-4e5f-a664-aaa677c0..." :value (:kind "report" :message "Synchronizing projects - 0% " :percentage 0))) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :id "5" :method "window/workDoneProgress/create" :params (:token "62b128b6-9dce-4318-ac2a-fdb31b83...")) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "$/progress" :params (:token "62b128b6-9dce-4318-ac2a-fdb31b83..." :value (:kind "begin" :title "Synchronizing projects" :message "Synchronizing projects"))) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "$/progress" :params (:token "62b128b6-9dce-4318-ac2a-fdb31b83..." :value (:kind "report" :message "Synchronizing projects - 0% " :percentage 0))) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :id "6" :method "window/workDoneProgress/create" :params (:token "661543e5-f0ac-4b1b-93ad-1cb31f40...")) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "$/progress" :params (:token "661543e5-f0ac-4b1b-93ad-1cb31f40..." :value (:kind "begin" :title "Synchronizing projects" :message "Synchronizing projects"))) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "$/progress" :params (:token "661543e5-f0ac-4b1b-93ad-1cb31f40..." :value (:kind "report" :message "Synchronizing projects - 0% " :percentage 0))) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "window/logMessage" :params (:type 1 :message "Oct 8, 2023, 11:58:14 AM Invalid...")) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "language/status" :params (:type "Starting" :message "100% Starting Java Language Serv...")) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "$/progress" :params (:token "dd9a2858-575a-470c-838a-e2d11f12..." :value (:kind "report" :message "Synchronizing projects - 0% " :percentage 0))) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "$/progress" :params (:token "62b128b6-9dce-4318-ac2a-fdb31b83..." :value (:kind "end" :message "Synchronizing projects"))) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "$/progress" :params (:token "33f7d0ed-456c-4e5f-a664-aaa677c0..." :value (:kind "end" :message "Synchronizing projects"))) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "$/progress" :params (:token "dd9a2858-575a-470c-838a-e2d11f12..." :value (:kind "end" :message "Synchronizing projects"))) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "$/progress" :params (:token "661543e5-f0ac-4b1b-93ad-1cb31f40..." :value (:kind "end" :message "Synchronizing projects"))) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "window/logMessage" :params (:type 3 :message "Oct 8, 2023, 11:58:14 AM >> init...")) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "window/logMessage" :params (:type 3 :message "Oct 8, 2023, 11:58:14 AM >> regi...")) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :id "7" :method "client/registerCapability" :params (:registrations [...])) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :id "8" :method "client/registerCapability" :params (:registrations [...])) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :id "9" :method "client/registerCapability" :params (:registrations [...])) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :id "10" :method "client/registerCapability" :params (:registrations [...])) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :id "11" :method "client/registerCapability" :params (:registrations [...])) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :id "12" :method "client/registerCapability" :params (:registrations [...])) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :id "13" :method "client/registerCapability" :params (:registrations [...])) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :id "14" :method "client/registerCapability" :params (:registrations [...])) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :id "15" :method "client/registerCapability" :params (:registrations [...])) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :id "16" :method "client/registerCapability" :params (:registrations [...])) (:jsonrpc "2.0" :id "17" :method "client/registerCapability" :params (:registrations [...])) ...))
  #f(compiled-function (proc input) #<bytecode 0x1c5412ab99fd38ba>)(#<process jdtls> "Content-Length: 159\15\n\15\n{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"...")
  command-execute(debug record)
  execute-extended-command(nil "debug" #("debug" 0 5 (ws-butler-chg chg)))
  funcall-interactively(execute-extended-command nil "debug" #("debug" 0 5 (ws-butler-chg chg)))

sincebyte avatar Oct 08 '23 04:10 sincebyte

recently , I found this issues related to lsp-semgrep-languages. last week I installed semgrep, because there always have an error about lsp-semgrep not found even I dont know what's it.Then eldoc come back. but company will block a while and the error occuried when choose a candicate.

company-call-backend-raw: Company: backend (:separate company-capf company-yasnippet) error "‘workspace/executeCommand’ with ‘java.completion.onDidSelect’ failed.

(error "Timeout while waiting for response.  Method: workspace/executeCommand")" with args (post-completion dcRecordPlot : DeviceChannelRecordPlot)
Wrote /Users/van/.emacs.d/.local/cache/undo-tree-hist/.d9db7cca789de97af6e9fb188069053045443a7b.~undo-tree~.zst

I have to set (setq lsp-semgrep-languages '()) to pervent the error. But then eldoc disappear.

I need some help.

sincebyte avatar May 27 '24 05:05 sincebyte

I found it's related to lsp-enable-file-watchers, when the value is nil ,the eldoc disppeared. and when it's t, every time lsp server startup there have a hint to choose wheather watch files or not. ah, but anyway, the eldoc come back.

sincebyte avatar May 27 '24 15:05 sincebyte