helm-lsp icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
helm-lsp copied to clipboard

lsp-mode :heart: helm

[[https://melpa.org/#/helm-lsp][file:https://melpa.org/packages/helm-lsp-badge.svg]] [[https://stable.melpa.org/#/helm-lsp][file:https://stable.melpa.org/packages/helm-lsp-badge.svg]]

#+TITLE: Helm lsp integration

This package provides alternative of the build-in ~lsp-mode~ ~xref-appropos~ which provides as you type completion.

  • Screenshot #+caption: Demo [[file:demo.png]]

  • Commands

    • ~helm-lsp-workspace-symbol~ - workspace symbols for the current workspace
    • ~helm-lsp-global-workspace-symbol~ - workspace symbols from all of the active workspaces.
    • ~helm-lsp-code-actions~ - helm interface to lsp-execute-code-action.
    • ~helm-lsp-switch-project~ - switch ~lsp-mode~ project (when ~helm-projectile~ is present)
    • ~helm-lsp-diagnostics~ - browse the errors in the project. Sample query: ~*err #Test.js Foo Bar~ will return all of the errors which message contains ~Foo~ and ~Bar~, it is in file ~Test.js~ and its severity is ~error~
  • Configuration Use the following lines to replace ~xref-find-apropos~ in ~lsp-mode~ controlled buffer.s #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (define-key lsp-mode-map [remap xref-find-apropos] #'helm-lsp-workspace-symbol) #+END_SRC