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help menu in magit is not displayed properly

Open cs50Mu opened this issue 2 years ago • 39 comments

Press ? in magit-status gives the following in which some keybindings are wrong: image

for example, Discard should be x instead of k; Reset should be O instead of X

magit-version gives:


cs50Mu avatar May 26 '22 13:05 cs50Mu

I see 'x' for discard and 'O' for Reset. Can you provide an emacs-q recipe?

jojojames avatar May 27 '22 22:05 jojojames

I see 'x' for discard and 'O' for Reset. Can you provide an emacs-q recipe?

I'm an emacs noob, did you mean run emacs with emacs -Q in terminal?

cs50Mu avatar May 28 '22 15:05 cs50Mu

Yeah, I added a section here:


emacs -Q in terminal, then you can probably eval that snippet and test from there.

jojojames avatar May 28 '22 15:05 jojojames

Yeah, I added a section here:


emacs -Q in terminal, then you can probably eval that snippet and test from there.

I've reproduced the issue with the following steps:

  • start emacs with emacs -Q
  • in the scratch buffer, paste the code snippet you just provided: submitting-issues
  • add this line in the buffer: (use-package magit)
  • M-x and run the command: eval-buffer
  • open a file in a git project
  • press C-x g to show the magit-status panel
  • press ? to show the help menu
  • and it still show the wrong keybindings

emacs version: I installed emacs from emacsformacosx
operating system: macOS Monterey 12.2.1

cs50Mu avatar May 28 '22 15:05 cs50Mu

Can you paste the exact emacs -Q recipe you used?

e.g. what you eval'ed

jojojames avatar May 28 '22 17:05 jojojames

Can you paste the exact emacs -Q recipe you used?

e.g. what you eval'ed

(setq user-emacs-directory "~/.emacs.1.d")

(setq package-enable-at-startup nil
      '(("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/")
        ("gnu" . "http://elpa.gnu.org/packages/")))

(require 'package)
(unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
  (package-install 'use-package))
(require 'use-package)
(setq use-package-always-ensure t)

(use-package evil
  :ensure t
  (setq evil-want-keybinding nil)
  (evil-mode 1))

(use-package evil-collection
  :after evil
  :ensure t

(use-package magit)

cs50Mu avatar May 29 '22 00:05 cs50Mu

This one is very strange for me. The initial emacs-q doesn't work but sometimes, subsequent ones seem to 'resolve' itself.. Not sure what's going on.

Also, I messed up the snippet I gave you (but fixed it in my own while repro-ing). It should look like this instead.

It should include setting the package dir too.

(setq package-user-dir
      (format "%selpa/%s/" user-emacs-directory emacs-major-version))

Will update the snippet soon.

As for me, I'm suspecting maybe a new commit on magit and/or transient may be the issue, definitely not sure though. I'm a few commits behind on both. The other possibility is something with magit-section.

Magit: 6d66ab34 master magit-refresh-get-relative-position: Fix regression Transient: 2e4426f origin/master Quote single quote in docstring

I may update soon and try to see if I'm seeing the same issue.

jojojames avatar May 29 '22 01:05 jojojames

@cs50Mu When you emacs -Q a second time with the same recipe, what happens?

(setq user-emacs-directory "~/.emacs.1.d")

(setq package-user-dir
      (format "%s/elpa/%s/" user-emacs-directory emacs-major-version))

(setq package-enable-at-startup nil
      '(("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/")
        ("gnu" . "http://elpa.gnu.org/packages/")))

(require 'package)
(unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
  (package-install 'use-package))
(require 'use-package)
(setq use-package-always-ensure t)

(use-package evil
  :ensure t
  (setq evil-want-keybinding nil)
  (evil-mode 1))

(use-package evil-collection
  :after evil
  :ensure t

(use-package magit)

For me, after the first run, the next emacs -Q (but pointed at the same elpa directory) works as expected.

jojojames avatar Jun 02 '22 01:06 jojojames

@jojojames sorry, a bit awkward, can you tell me how to do this..?

the next emacs -Q (but pointed at the same elpa directory)

I don't know how to load the previous elpa with emacs -Q

cs50Mu avatar Jun 02 '22 03:06 cs50Mu

Delete the emacs -Q directory (.emacs.1.d) emacs -Q with recipe -> creates a new .emacs.1.d quit emacs emacs -Q with same recipe -> should be pointed at .emacs.1.d

jojojames avatar Jun 02 '22 03:06 jojojames

After emacs -Q with the same recipe, I still get the same result...

k for Discard, and X for Reset

cs50Mu avatar Jun 02 '22 03:06 cs50Mu

I still have another emacs instance running when I'm doing the emacs -Q testing, does it matter?

cs50Mu avatar Jun 02 '22 03:06 cs50Mu

It shouldn't because your main emacs instance should be pointed at .emacs.d and your emacs -Q recipe should be pointed at .emacs.1.d. So you wiped .emacs.1.d, emacs -Q -> restarted and then -> emacs -Q again?

jojojames avatar Jun 02 '22 03:06 jojojames

I did the follows:

first time

first, make sure that .emacs.1.d folder is not there

  • emacs -Q to start emacs
  • paste the recipe you just provided
  • M-x eval-buffer to run the recipe
  • open a file in a git project
  • press C-x g to show the magit-status panel
  • press ? to show the help menu
  • and it show the wrong keybindings
  • :q to exit emacs

second time

  • emacs -Q to start emacs again
  • paste the recipe you just provided
  • M-x eval-buffer to run the recipe (emacs reuses the previous .emacs.1.d folder)
  • open a file in a git project
  • in the magit-status panel, still sees wrong keybindings in help menu


cs50Mu avatar Jun 02 '22 03:06 cs50Mu

@condy0919 Can you give it a shot?

jojojames avatar Jun 02 '22 04:06 jojojames

Same issue. Let me dig it deeper.

condy0919 avatar Jun 02 '22 13:06 condy0919

Just an FYI. I wrote yodel with these kinds of tests in mind. Here's a demo with your current test case:

Yodel Report (2022-06-08 15:05:14):

  :save "yodel-magit"
  :interactive nil
  :packages* use-package
  (setq straight-use-package-by-default t)
  (use-package evil
    (setq evil-want-keybinding nil)
    :config (evil-mode 1))
  (use-package evil-collection
    :after evil
  (use-package magit)
  (let ((default-directory (straight--repos-dir "magit")))
    (with-current-buffer transient--buffer-name
      (print (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))))
Loading /tmp/yodel-magit/straight-bootstrap-snippet.el (source)...

"Transient and dwim commands
 A Apply            i Ignore             r Rebase
 b Branch           I Init               t Tag
 B Bisect           j Jump to section    T Note
 c Commit           J Display buffer     V Revert
 C Clone            l Log                w Apply patches
 d Diff             L Log (change)       W Format patches
 D Diff (change)    m Merge              X Reset
 e Ediff (dwim)     M Remote             y Show Refs
 E Ediff            o Submodule          Y Cherries
 f Fetch            O Subtree            z Stash
 F Pull             P Push               Z Worktree
 h Help             Q Command            ! Run
 H Section info                         

Applying changes
 a Apply      s Stage      S Stage all
 v Reverse    u Unstage    U Unstage all
 k Discard                

Essential commands
 g        refresh current buffer     C-x m show all key bindings
 q        bury current buffer        C-x i show Info manual
 <tab>    toggle section at point   
 <return> visit thing at point      
  • emacs version: GNU Emacs 29.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.34, cairo version 1.17.6) of 2022-06-04
  • system type: gnu/linux
Name Branch Commit Date Source
use-package master https://github.com/jwiegley/use-package/commit/a7422fb8ab1baee19adb2717b5b47b9c3812a84c 2021-02-10 melpa
bind-key master https://github.com/jwiegley/use-package/commit/a7422fb8ab1baee19adb2717b5b47b9c3812a84c 2021-02-10 melpa
evil master https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil/commit/157af04d2cf466e301e82b0e667c5e7203fd96a2 2022-05-18 melpa
goto-chg master https://github.com/emacs-evil/goto-chg/commit/278cd3e6d5107693aa2bb33189ca503f22f227d0 2022-01-07 melpa
evil-collection master https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection/commit/79fc09b0140311377726551ee31622f61d28c571 2022-06-06 melpa
annalist master https://github.com/noctuid/annalist.el/commit/134fa3f0fb91a636a1c005c483516d4b64905a6d 2019-10-20 melpa
magit master https://github.com/magit/magit/commit/2dfeaa6839c643a54d96c9f855bae11d5cba2453 2022-06-07 melpa
compat master https://github.com/emacs-straight/compat/commit/884d47ef896cff2fa6910c359f1aa0e0ff8c7acd 2022-06-07 gnu-elpa-mirror
dash master https://github.com/magnars/dash.el/commit/0c49a33a61c739eb12e4c3680138c1659926202d 2022-06-07 melpa
git-commit master https://github.com/magit/magit/commit/2dfeaa6839c643a54d96c9f855bae11d5cba2453 2022-06-07 melpa
transient master https://github.com/magit/transient/commit/2e4426fe8161893382f09b3f4635e152ee02488e 2022-05-28 melpa
with-editor master https://github.com/magit/with-editor/commit/cfcbc2731e402b9169c0dc03e89b5b57aa988502 2022-06-08 melpa
magit-section master https://github.com/magit/magit/commit/2dfeaa6839c643a54d96c9f855bae11d5cba2453 2022-06-07 melpa

I left the :interactive nil in there because it's often useful to toggle that to t so you can play around in the test emacs session.

progfolio avatar Jun 08 '22 19:06 progfolio

What about the second run?

jojojames avatar Jun 08 '22 19:06 jojojames

What about the second run?

That was the second run. :save path preserves the environment between runs. On your first run you would see much more output from straight bootstrapping and installing the packages.

progfolio avatar Jun 08 '22 20:06 progfolio

Not really sure :D, maybe @tarsius can help. We're not (hopefully not) doing anything special with the popups other than swapping them here: https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection/blob/e049bc4777cae21d937e08ad2d3960f3e1432dd5/modes/magit/evil-collection-magit.el#L621

jojojames avatar Jun 09 '22 00:06 jojojames

Try if doing this manually works:

(transient-suffix-put 'magit-dispatch "O" :key "\"")
(transient-suffix-put 'magit-dispatch "X" :key "O")
(transient-suffix-put 'magit-dispatch "k" :key "x")

The only potential problem that I see is (require 'magit nil t). Like a keymap, a transient command cannot be modified until it is defined. But if it is not, then you should get errors like transient--layout-member: foobar is not a transient command. Still, my guess is that an with-eval-after-load is missing somewhere.

I would add debug statements to see whether the relevant code is being called, and when. Start by adding (message "-- %s: %s => %s (%s)" popup from to (featurep 'magit)) to evil-collection-magit-change-popup-key.

tarsius avatar Jun 09 '22 11:06 tarsius

Try if doing this manually works:

(transient-suffix-put 'magit-dispatch "O" :key "\"")
(transient-suffix-put 'magit-dispatch "X" :key "O")
(transient-suffix-put 'magit-dispatch "k" :key "x")

The only potential problem that I see is (require 'magit nil t). Like a keymap, a transient command cannot be modified until it is defined. But if it is not, then you should get errors like transient--layout-member: foobar is not a transient command. Still, my guess is that an with-eval-after-load is missing somewhere.

It's here. https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection/blob/master/evil-collection.el#L884

condy0919 avatar Jun 10 '22 07:06 condy0919

Hey, Just wanted to list a few more keybindings in the menu that are not evil compliant:

Discard should be x instead of k Reset should be O instead of X Reverse should be - instead of v Revert should be _ instead of V Display status should be g (I think) instead of j

ThorpeJosh avatar Aug 04 '22 02:08 ThorpeJosh

I'm having this same issue with a relatively vanilla installation of Doom Emacs, for what it's worth.

adamliter avatar Nov 28 '22 02:11 adamliter

I am seeing the same issue running Emacs 28.2 on Fedora. Specifically, I am seeing the help menu tell me that o is bound to "submodule" but it isn't (submodule is bound to '). o is actually bound to magit-reset-quickly, even when running emacs -q with the recipe posted above.

FWIW, I am running my own configs and have not changed a ton. here is a link: https://github.com/ZacheryPD/Emacs-From-Scratch/

zach-delong avatar Jan 20 '23 01:01 zach-delong

I got the same issue with evil-collection, and my screenshot is the same as @cs50Mu has posted.

What I observed is that these key-mappings are correct in some sense. For instance, when I pressed h, the help window is shown. When the help window is present, X is indeed mapped to magit-reset. Yet, when just inside the magit buffer without the help window, X is mapped to magit-file-untrack.

All the incorrectly mapped keys are the same: their mappings are different with or without the help window.

randomizedthinking avatar Feb 10 '23 07:02 randomizedthinking

I'm having this same issue. After I put magit to load after evil-collection, issue seems to go away.

(use-package evil-collection
  :after (evil magit)

sg-qwt avatar Mar 29 '23 19:03 sg-qwt

Check whether (featurep 'magit) is non-nil in evil-collection-magit-setup. If not, throwing a (require 'magit) might do the trick.

If that doesn't work, I recommend inserting debug statements in strategic places. Does evil-collection-magit-revert-popups get called unexpectedly? Is (get 'magit-dispatch 'transient--layout) non-nil before trying to modify it? Compare the value of that before and after calling (transient-suffix-put popup from :key to)), does it change as expected? Etc.

tarsius avatar Mar 29 '23 20:03 tarsius

I tried to (require 'magit) in evil-collection-magit-setup, but it doesn't seem to work. It seems that I need to put (require 'magit) before (evil-collection-init) for it to work.

  (defun evil-collection-magit-setup@override ()
    "Set up `evil' bindings for `magit'."
    (require 'magit)
    (evil-collection-define-key 'normal 'magit-blame-mode-map
      "q" 'magit-blame-quit)
    (evil-collection-define-key 'normal 'magit-blame-read-only-mode-map
      "q" 'magit-blame-quit)

  (advice-add 'evil-collection-magit-setup@override :override 'evil-collection-magit-setup)

tshu-w avatar Mar 31 '23 06:03 tshu-w

I'm having this same issue. After I put magit to load after evil-collection, issue seems to go away.

(use-package evil-collection
  :after (evil magit)

I can't believe I never thought of this. I did this in my config and it works flawlessly now. Thank you!

zach-delong avatar Apr 05 '23 00:04 zach-delong