pipeline-editor icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pipeline-editor copied to clipboard

install instructions don't work in fresh environment

Open ptitzler opened this issue 3 years ago • 0 comments

In https://github.com/elyra-ai/pipeline-editor#installation

make clean dev-link install


yarn link @elyra/pipeline-editor
yarn link v1.22.4
success Using linked package for "@elyra/pipeline-editor".
✨  Done in 0.05s.
cd node_modules/@elyra/pipeline-editor && jupyter labextension link --no-build .
/bin/bash: jupyter: command not found
make: *** [dev-link] Error 127

I completed the following steps in a fresh environment:

  • git clone [email protected]:elyra-ai/pipeline-editor.git
  • git clone [email protected]:elyra-ai/elyra.git
  • cd pipeline-editor
  • make clean install dev-link // fails; see above
  • as a workaround I ran make install in elyra directory to get prerequisites in place
  • make clean install dev-link // now succeeds in pipeline-editor directory
  • make clean dev-link install // fails in elyra directory with
    [LabCleanApp] Removing staging...
    [LabCleanApp] Success!
    yarn link @elyra/pipeline-services
    yarn link v1.22.4
    error No registered package found called "@elyra/pipeline-services".
    info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/link for documentation about this command.  
    make: *** [dev-link] Error 1

ptitzler avatar Aug 31 '21 08:08 ptitzler