running the pgm -module(pr). -export([start/0, ping/1, pong/0]). ping(0) -> pong ! finished, erlang:display("ping finished"); ping(N) -> erlang:display("ping started"), pong ! {ping, self()}, erlang:display("ping sent"), receive pong -> erlang:display("Ping received pong")...
.. lora.attach(lora.BAND868) lora.setAppEui("*******.. ") lora.setAppKey("**********..") lora.setDr(7) lora.setAdr(true) lora.setReTx(4) lora.join(lora.OTAA) lora.tx(false, 4, pack.pack(msg)) .. will crash the system (at least on my esp32) soon after waking up from cpu.sleep(10). if i...
as i just have leaned, the current version of webmachine depends on an outdated version of mochiweb (/mochi/mochiweb/issues/250). are there any plans to upgrade webmachine or should i refrain from...
executing ``` -module(pp). -export([start/0, ping/1, pong/0]). ping(0) -> pong ! finished, io:format("ping finished~n"); ping(N) -> pong ! {ping, self()}, % this does not work % whereis(pong) ! {ping, self()}, %...