Els Peeters
Els Peeters
Do we want to provide N templates for single stars and for stellar populations??
Add screen. Use different attenuation models for different set of features.
Look into optimize the fitting by using multi-processors.
Update fitting procedure to deal with the high number of lines in the simulated (and real?) JWST data. [e.g. first fit NIR segments individually, second fit all with fixed line/feature...
Update PDR science pack to include additional lines from simulated data of Orion. Related to (extension of) #186
train PAHFIT for PDRs to make PDR science pack based on ISO-SWS - Update continuum model - Update feature model where needed
Check ISO-SWS spectra on 2 galaxies to see which changes to model are related to high spectral R and which to the switch to PDRs.
I think there is an incorrect description for the output file in fit_spectrum: The code states: Returns ------- obsfit : PAHFITBase model PAHFIT model with best fit parameters But if...
For input parameters, save method in base.py states: filename : string String used to name the output file. Currently using the input data file name. The requested filename does not...
Develop a tool to compare the different science packs for a given input spectrum to assess the influence of the chosen science pack on the PAHFIT result.