When I last looked at upgrading to bootstrap 4, they advertised the imminent release of 5, so I held back on it, thinking to revisit the upgrade when they'd have...
Absolutely, go for it! They now have a beta of bootstrap 5 published, so it might be worth to look at that instead of their version 4.
I remember we had to change the URL parsing when they started to append those tracking parameters in #399. But I didn't find evidence that some kind of parameter removal...
I don't think there is any bug - PR #399 simply fixes the issue that with these parameters added, the paste couldn't be decrypted anymore. I am not aware that...
Actually, I think I may have finally found it: https://github.com/PrivateBin/PrivateBin/blob/0673c1cde17a834e522399ff17e40588aaa4db0a/js/privatebin.js#L5189 This occurs when you visit the main site and the "new paste view" is initialized. It looks like we can,...
> change URL from: https://privatebin.net/?9fef56d4eaa605c4#gY3+KU9CcjmSi7Q/3Psf/jnKUOgIyevtPRv0NjHVAWY= to URL encoded string: https://privatebin.net/?9fef56d4eaa605c4%23gY3%2BKU9CcjmSi7Q%2F3Psf%2FjnKUOgIyevtPRv0NjHVAWY%3D using Javascript code: const url = new Url("https://privatebin.net/?" + encodeURIComponent("9fef56d4eaa605c4#gY3+KU9CcjmSi7Q/3Psf/jnKUOgIyevtPRv0NjHVAWY=")); > > Now just change the page to ignore trying...
I did a quick experiment of changing it, and it does simplify the code a lot, but ran into several compatibility issues: - fetch is not supported in some older...
Adding a fallback and a customization only supported in our docker image sounds incredibly fragile, to me and increases maintenance for us and our user base. I'm well motivated to...
> * as for Apache it’s https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TIKA-2894, fixed in v1.23 (resolved in 2019-08) That is the Apache Tika project, not the Apache httpd webserver. AFAIK the ticket for httpd is...
Can you try that and if it works in modern chrome(ium, Edge, ...) and Safari, raise an PR to get this merged, please?