Elvis Pranskevichus

Results 331 comments of Elvis Pranskevichus

The error comes from the [type introspection query](https://github.com/MagicStack/asyncpg/blob/511aeb2368f6a6e03b2bd5f58127d98e91c3eb54/asyncpg/introspection.py#L210). It _might_ be possible to adapt asyncpg to Redshift, PRs welcome.

This seems like a connection timeout, not a query timeout, so I'd investigate the network configuration. How are you hosting your app? Also, why do you need to register the...

Could it be that you've restarted your app at that time and all workers had their connection pools populated?

> The reason for registering was because we sometimes notice spikes of the following query (even though we > have jitt set to off) and as part off some investigations...

`execute()` uses prepared statements if there are arguments, which is likely in the case of `insert`. > I do sometimes see `INSERT 0 0` results in some high-volume workloads Depending...

I think this is good to go. Thanks @eltoder!

I think it makes sense to provide a way to pass a connection factory. E.g. a `connector=coro` or `connection_factory=coro` that should return an instance of `asyncpg.Connection`. I would accept a...

Do you get an error? It's not clear from the description what the actual issue is.

The DSN is a URL and so all parts must be explicitly quoted with `urllib.parse.quote`

> Is there also a workaround where I can skip timedelta for interval? You can set up a custom codec. See an example [here](https://magicstack.github.io/asyncpg/current/api/index.html#asyncpg.connection.Connection.set_type_codec)