El Pin Al
El Pin Al
It has turned out that mutable references in Bright ML is unsound. The following code is adopted from SML code in http://mlton.org/ValueRestriction and causes Bright ML crash. ``` val f...
First of all, thanks for the great work! http://counterexamples.org/unstable-types.html The counterexample by Russo is due to open-scope unpacking of first-class modules and *applicative* functors. The easiest way to fix the...
The following code causes SATySFi to crash. ``` type t = [inline-text] inline-cmd module M : sig val \x : t end = struct let-inline \x it = it end...
`test.saty`: ```ocaml module M = struct module N = struct let x = 1 end end module N = struct end let z = M.N.x ``` Typechecking `test.saty` results in...
I really, and often, need math commands `\bar` and `\tilde` as in LaTeX. I know [monaqa/satysfi-azmath](https://github.com/monaqa/satysfi-azmath) provides implementations of such commands but they are unsatisfactory: the user of the commands...
Taking inspiration from #261, I've found that SATySFi misjudges exhaustiveness of patterns when constructors are shadowed. `shadow-con.saty`: ``` type t = | A | B type u = | A...
Currently, SATySFi has 3 forms of `open`: 1. `open M`: global `open` 2. `open M in expr`: local `open` 3. `M.(expr)`: lightweight local `open` Only (1) is related to this...
As written in a comment in `typeenv.ml`, SATySFi does not check whether a type constructor has the same arity in the structure and the signature: https://github.com/gfngfn/SATySFi/blob/69e62f66056b5644461f73c5fe841003602b0938/src/frontend/typeenv.ml#L1221 For example, SATySFi does...
### Singleton kinds I've added the following papers. - Deciding type equivalence in a language with singleton kinds (POPL, January 2000) https://doi.org/10.1145/325694.325724 - Deciding Type Equivalence in a Language with...
## Four Lectures on Standard ML (Mads Tofte; 1989) http://www.lfcs.inf.ed.ac.uk/reports/89/ECS-LFCS-89-73/index.html ## Essentials of Standard ML Modules (Mads Tofte; 1996) https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F3-540-61628-4_8