elmar bucher
elmar bucher
Ship Observations Report ========================= http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/ship_obs.php ``` { "Individual source or seed URL": "http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/ship_obs.php", "UUID": "EB78B9A8-7CBB-48BE-82A2-946C47FA46C3", "Institution facilitating the data capture creation and packaging": "Data Rescue A2", "Date of capture": "2017-01-28",...
In each `Makefiel` is the following command ```bash PROJ := my_project save: echo "Saving project as $(PROJ) ... " mkdir -p ./user_projects mkdir -p ./user_projects/$(PROJ) mkdir -p ./user_projects/$(PROJ)/custom_modules mkdir -p...
the default PhysiCell output misses information to generate evolutionary lineage trees. it would be good enough when each agent saves information about: + parent agent_id + simulation time of birth...
physicell will run into an error if there not already an output folder exist (with whatever the exact name specified under in the settings.xml). it would be nice if the...
so far, in `setting.xml` only `max_time` can be specified to stop the series. it would be nice to have additionally a `max_cell` setting to stop the series, and execution would...
cell_type ~~and substrate~~ names are so far only kept in the `settings.xml` file. if this names by the program could be passed down to the `output.xml`, then there would be...
for parameter scans, usually not all the output is needed. to reduce the need of disk space it would be ideal if one could specify in the seetings.xml what output...
most of the Error write to std::cout only and give no error code back. usually PhysiCell then just quits. a Errors should be written to std::cerr and a proper Error...
Morning Lubosz, I extended the README.md file with a bit more detailed installation instruction for debian linux and macOSX users, because the procedure started more and more to differ form...
hi @lubosz and @TheOnlyJoey, Last June 20th, 2017 TheOnlyJoey (form OpenHMD) submitted a bunch of changes. Unfortunately cause the introduced OHMD_BUTTON_COUNT lines the build process to crash. I use the...