carbon-now.nvim copied to clipboard
Create beautiful code snippets directly from your neovim terminal
Create beautiful code snippets directly from your neovim terminal
Neovim 0.7+
Using your preferred plugin manager, add:
Example with packer:
use {"ellisonleao/carbon-now.nvim", config = function() require('carbon-now').setup() end}
Configuration and customization
The plugin comes with the following default configs:
base_url = "",
open_cmd = "xdg-open",
options = {
theme = "monokai",
window_theme = "none",
font_family = "Hack",
font_size = "18px",
bg = "gray",
line_numbers = true,
line_height = "133%",
drop_shadow = false,
drop_shadow_offset_y = "20px",
drop_shadow_blur = "68px",
width = "680",
watermark = false,
You can override it in setup()
function. Example:
local carbon = require('carbon-now')
options = {
theme = "solarized",
font_family = "Monoid",
Generating snippets from visual selection
Adding a custom mapping for generating a new snippet is really easy
vim.keymap.set("v", "<leader>cn", ":CarbonNow<CR>", { noremap = true, silent = true})
But if you preferer a command, visual select the code you want to share and call:
Generating snippets from github gists
In lua you can call:
:lua require('carbon-now').create_snippet_from_gist('<GIST_ID>')
But if you preferer a command, just call
:CarbonNowGist GIST_ID
Changing default open in browser command
Example: Opening snippet in google-chrome
require('carbon-now').setup({open_cmd = "google-chrome"})