nessus copied to clipboard
nessus crack for docker
**描述问题** Nessus中,有些配置没必要开启,建议直接修改出厂默认配置 **涉及的配置项如下** - safe_checks - auto_update_delay - auto_update - auto_update_ui - report_crashes **截图**  
just a question. this version can perform the CIS compliance scan?
Do the Migration steps for version v5 20231218 work smoothly?
After I set up the Proxy Server, Nessus will restart and then the crack will fail. Can't it set up the proxy here? 
Im wondering how can i update the plugins, cheers
**Describe the bug** **The password is solved, but not working** The password is encoded with b64 and salt = 7. The password solved is not working on localhost:8834 **To Reproduce**...
**Describe the bug** **描述问题** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. 插件更新完成后重启后,进入web页面显示激活码 N/A **To Reproduce** **问题复现步骤** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1、插件安装完成图示  2、打开web页面,设置,显示N/A  3、并且我开启一个扫描后,日志提示这个信息 ...