rename-wp-login icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
rename-wp-login copied to clipboard

Menu bar

Open Neryes1 opened this issue 5 years ago • 3 comments

Hello everyone.

I got a problem, I use rename wp-login in 3 websites. I've moved all my websites (13) to another server and I can't login into dashboard of these 3 that I installed rename wp-login. I just see the website normally and the menu bar is incomplete. I cant manage nothing at all.

Could someone help me please?

Neryes1 avatar Aug 14 '19 11:08 Neryes1

You can login by FTP and simply rename the folder in wp-content/plugins. This will deactivate the plugin so you will know if it is part of the problem.

If this has no impact then rename-wp-login is not the problem.

maximejobin avatar Aug 14 '19 14:08 maximejobin

I've already did this and nothing changed. Acctualy I deleted the plugin and nothing...My guess was the plugin because only 3 websites got this issue, and all of them have the plugin in common.

Neryes1 avatar Aug 14 '19 14:08 Neryes1

What is your web host ? Some hosts do caching in the backend (which is not directly linked to WordPress itself). This could cause issues with this plugin... and in general. Can you validate that with them or flush the cache from your web hosting panel (if they have one) ?

maximejobin avatar Aug 14 '19 15:08 maximejobin