rename-wp-login icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
rename-wp-login copied to clipboard

What if a page has the same slug as the login slug ?

Open carlosperez1930 opened this issue 7 years ago • 3 comments

Good morning. I'm Carlos, I want to ask a question, what happens if I change the name to a page that already exists? I want to do that because my theme has a function to log in from the page without having to access wp-login.php. What I want to achieve is that no one enters through wp-login. What I can do?

carlosperez1930 avatar Nov 04 '16 00:11 carlosperez1930

Anyone helps me?

carlosperez1930 avatar Nov 04 '16 00:11 carlosperez1930

Try it and see what happens

JennyWren avatar May 03 '17 21:05 JennyWren

As of now, this won't work.

You will be able to create the page but it will show the login when you go on that page.

In other words, you should not do that.

maximejobin avatar May 10 '19 15:05 maximejobin