Nikolai Plath

Results 35 comments of Nikolai Plath

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Agree. I wonder how this was done. I believe there is no standard for a "separator", and the text is always localized...

I've been playing with this but didn't get any usable results :( Some further info: The "original" used by GitHub (Ruby): I thought we might do this with JS...

There have been oh so many discussions about this "build" field since the old tracker, the only consensus being that nobody knows what to do with this field since...

@franz-wohlkoenig Would you mind if we leave this open? I believe that it's still an issue - and @b2z didn't say that it can't be fixed :wink:

> @elkuku do you have an idea how to fix it? Not the slightest clue :tongue: But I believe that somebody might open another issues for this bug. Also we...

Agree. It is but it isn't ;) From my coder point of view it's a "dirty trick" - but actually it is a bug that has to be fixed.

I like the idea of having something like an "auto assign" feature - You can only assign yourself to an issue, but not another person. That would be a good...

> Maybe we can add a default text like a template that asks for a few parts of the hosting envoirment as optional point. Something like #760 ?

Good call. This might go along with naming conventions for database tables ?