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Can't connect to AWS DocumentDB

Open stewartmacgregor opened this issue 5 years ago • 13 comments

stewartmacgregor avatar Mar 05 '19 21:03 stewartmacgregor

This doesn't give me any information I can use to debug the issue. Are you getting an error message or anything? Are you willing to give me access to a database to look into the issue?

ankhers avatar Mar 05 '19 22:03 ankhers

Hi @ankhers,

We're trying to connect AWS DocumentDB from Elixir/Phoenix framework.

Seems like the authentication has an issue as below lines:

The function expects conversationId : 1, but we are observing different values than 1. After fixing this locally, any query returns the error errmsg: Legacy opcodes are not supported, code: 303. It seems that documentDB supports mongodb 3.6 API, but the driver is based on older opcodes. We would appreciate any thoughts on this.

We’d be open to providing access to a test database and environment if needed.

ninad1487 avatar Mar 06 '19 00:03 ninad1487

@ankhers Please see for a temporary fix.

stewartmacgregor avatar Mar 07 '19 09:03 stewartmacgregor

Thank you for following up. I believe I have actually started work on moving away from the older opcodes but never finished the work. But I would be glad to finish the work I had previously started. If you could contact me privately (you should be able to find my email on my profile page here) in order to get access to a test database that I can verify my changes against, it would be appreciated.

ankhers avatar Mar 14 '19 14:03 ankhers

Closing due to inactivity. If you get me the information I requested, I would be glad to reopen this.

ankhers avatar May 06 '19 13:05 ankhers

@ankhers I ran into a similar issue as well.

Mongo.Auth.SCRAM.first/5 expects conversationId to be 1, but in my situation that number was much higher (17842 as an example).

I would be open to setting up a DocumentDB cluster for troubleshooting this issue.

christopherlai avatar Jul 14 '19 15:07 christopherlai

I also noticed that Mongo.Auth.SCRAM.second/2 receives "done" => true instead of false.

christopherlai avatar Jul 15 '19 04:07 christopherlai

We've run into the same issue when testing feasibility of using DocumentDB with an Elixir application. I've taken the work referenced above by @AlimovSV and refactored it so that it's mergable against master again for easy testing/experimenting.

With these changes, I can successfully authenticate to DocumentDB with TLS disabled (haven't looked into TLS yet) and run queries.

Rough and ready example of my test setup. I'm not an Elixir programmer, so there's probably a smarter method, but this works:

docker run --rm -it elixir:latest bash

mix new test
cd test

cat > mix.exs << EOF
defmodule Test.MixProject do
  use Mix.Project

  def project do
      app: :test,
      version: "0.1.0",
      elixir: "~> 1.9",
      start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod,
      deps: deps()

  # Run "mix help" to learn about applications.
  def application do
      extra_applications: [:logger, :mongodb, :poolboy]

  # Run "mix help deps" to learn about dependencies.
  defp deps do
  [{:mongodb, git: "" },
   {:poolboy, ">= 0.0.0"}]

mix deps.get

iex -S mix

{:ok, conn} = Mongo.start_link(url: "mongodb://user:pass@URL:27017/test")

I chucked some data into the DB and was able to query back via Elixir, but haven't tested all the different query types possible.

Next steps - @ankhers would it be helpful if I got you a test DocumentDB cluster? No issues from my side setting one up for you to use for a couple weeks if that's helpful.

jethro-solve avatar Jul 17 '19 04:07 jethro-solve

Thank you both for looking into this.

If either of you can email me credentials to a DocumentDB cluster, I can look into what needs to be done.

@jethro-solve, can you put up a PR with those changes so that I can test against them and potentially merge?

ankhers avatar Jul 17 '19 12:07 ankhers

Nice thanks @ankhers - I've just emailed through creds and details to a test DocumentDB setup and have raised PR #304

jethro-solve avatar Jul 17 '19 21:07 jethro-solve

@ankhers and @jethro-solve thanks for looking into this.

christopherlai avatar Jul 18 '19 04:07 christopherlai

I just wanted to keep on top of this ticket since @jethro-solve was kind enough to provide a DB to test against. Unfortunately I have been overwhelmed at home and work this past week, I am hoping to find some time over the weekend to take a look at what is going on.

ankhers avatar Jul 25 '19 03:07 ankhers

thanks @ankhers - no problem, happy to keep the DB around until you get a chance.

jethro-solve avatar Jul 25 '19 23:07 jethro-solve