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do Enum.with_index/2 tail-recursively on lists

Open ckampfe opened this issue 4 months ago • 1 comments

Hi folks!

This PR modifies the implementation of Enum.with_index/2, specifically with regard to lists.

The tl;dr is that there is a fair bit of throughput to be gained on both large and small lists at the expense of some memory.

Is this a tradeoff the project wants to make? That's not for me to say, but I just wanted to share this work in case it was. I will say I'm going to be using Enum.with_index/2 on some fairly large data processing at work, so I do have a personal bias toward throughput in this scenario.

The usual caveats apply here, as I ran all benchmarking on my development machine while trying to keep as few things running as possible to minimize noisy neighbors, but it is a development machine, not a dedicated host.

Benchmark code:

IO.inspect(Mix.env(), label: "Mix env")

f = fn index, item ->
  {index, item + 100}

tiny = Enum.into(1..100, [])
small = Enum.into(1..1000, [])
medium = Enum.into(1..10_000, [])
bigger = Enum.into(1..100_000, [])
large = Enum.into(1..1_000_000, [])

    "Enum.with_index/2 with fn" => fn input -> Enum.with_index(input, f) end,
    "Enum.with_index/2 with offset" => fn input -> Enum.with_index(input, 8) end
  inputs: %{
    "a. tiny - 100" => tiny,
    "b. small - 1,000" => small,
    "c. medium - 10,000" => medium,
    "d. bigger - 100,000" => bigger,
    "e. large - 1,000,000" => large
  time: 6,
  memory_time: 2

To run the benchmarks I first built Elixir on main like make clean && make, then ran them with ~/code/elixir/bin/elixir ~/code/elixir/bin/mix clean && MIX_ENV=prod ~/code/elixir/bin/elixir ~/code/elixir/bin/mix run bench.exs, then changed branches to this branch, then rebuilt Elixir with make clean && make, and then reran the benchmarks with the same command as before.

Benchmark on main

$ ~/code/elixir/bin/elixir ~/code/elixir/bin/mix clean && MIX_ENV=prod ~/code/elixir/bin/elixir ~/code/elixir/bin/mix run bench.exs
Compiling 2 files (.ex)
Generated wi2 app
Mix env: :prod
Operating System: macOS
CPU Information: Apple M1 Max
Number of Available Cores: 10
Available memory: 64 GB
Elixir 1.18.0-dev
Erlang 27.1.2
JIT enabled: true

Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 2 s
time: 6 s
memory time: 2 s
reduction time: 0 ns
parallel: 1
inputs: a. tiny - 100, b. small - 1,000, c. medium - 10,000, d. bigger - 100,000, e. large - 1,000,000
Estimated total run time: 1 min 40 s

Benchmarking Enum.with_index/2 with fn with input a. tiny - 100 ...
Benchmarking Enum.with_index/2 with fn with input b. small - 1,000 ...
Benchmarking Enum.with_index/2 with fn with input c. medium - 10,000 ...
Benchmarking Enum.with_index/2 with fn with input d. bigger - 100,000 ...
Benchmarking Enum.with_index/2 with fn with input e. large - 1,000,000 ...
Benchmarking Enum.with_index/2 with offset with input a. tiny - 100 ...
Benchmarking Enum.with_index/2 with offset with input b. small - 1,000 ...
Benchmarking Enum.with_index/2 with offset with input c. medium - 10,000 ...
Benchmarking Enum.with_index/2 with offset with input d. bigger - 100,000 ...
Benchmarking Enum.with_index/2 with offset with input e. large - 1,000,000 ...
Calculating statistics...
Formatting results...

##### With input a. tiny - 100 #####
Name                                    ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
Enum.with_index/2 with fn            1.10 M        0.91 μs  ±1950.65%        0.83 μs        1.04 μs
Enum.with_index/2 with offset        0.98 M        1.02 μs  ±2040.57%        0.79 μs        1.13 μs

Enum.with_index/2 with fn            1.10 M
Enum.with_index/2 with offset        0.98 M - 1.13x slower +0.118 μs

Memory usage statistics:

Name                             Memory usage
Enum.with_index/2 with fn             3.91 KB
Enum.with_index/2 with offset         3.91 KB - 1.00x memory usage +0 KB

**All measurements for memory usage were the same**

##### With input b. small - 1,000 #####
Name                                    ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
Enum.with_index/2 with offset      107.96 K        9.26 μs    ±97.51%        7.83 μs       35.46 μs
Enum.with_index/2 with fn          104.87 K        9.54 μs    ±75.92%        9.13 μs       13.50 μs

Enum.with_index/2 with offset      107.96 K
Enum.with_index/2 with fn          104.87 K - 1.03x slower +0.27 μs

Memory usage statistics:

Name                             Memory usage
Enum.with_index/2 with offset        39.06 KB
Enum.with_index/2 with fn            39.06 KB - 1.00x memory usage +0 KB

**All measurements for memory usage were the same**

##### With input c. medium - 10,000 #####
Name                                    ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
Enum.with_index/2 with offset       10.44 K       95.82 μs     ±3.89%       96.17 μs      103.42 μs
Enum.with_index/2 with fn            7.65 K      130.64 μs    ±12.93%      128.17 μs      252.25 μs

Enum.with_index/2 with offset       10.44 K
Enum.with_index/2 with fn            7.65 K - 1.36x slower +34.82 μs

Memory usage statistics:

Name                             Memory usage
Enum.with_index/2 with offset       390.63 KB
Enum.with_index/2 with fn           390.63 KB - 1.00x memory usage +0 KB

**All measurements for memory usage were the same**

##### With input d. bigger - 100,000 #####
Name                                    ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
Enum.with_index/2 with offset        868.12        1.15 ms     ±9.55%        1.15 ms        1.18 ms
Enum.with_index/2 with fn            585.40        1.71 ms     ±7.09%        1.70 ms        1.83 ms

Enum.with_index/2 with offset        868.12
Enum.with_index/2 with fn            585.40 - 1.48x slower +0.56 ms

Memory usage statistics:

Name                             Memory usage
Enum.with_index/2 with offset         3.81 MB
Enum.with_index/2 with fn             3.81 MB - 1.00x memory usage +0.00005 MB

**All measurements for memory usage were the same**

##### With input e. large - 1,000,000 #####
Name                                    ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
Enum.with_index/2 with offset         40.75       24.54 ms    ±33.75%       22.54 ms       44.82 ms
Enum.with_index/2 with fn             28.37       35.24 ms    ±90.64%       29.13 ms      174.37 ms

Enum.with_index/2 with offset         40.75
Enum.with_index/2 with fn             28.37 - 1.44x slower +10.71 ms

Memory usage statistics:

Name                             Memory usage
Enum.with_index/2 with offset        38.15 MB
Enum.with_index/2 with fn            38.15 MB - 1.00x memory usage -0.00060 MB

**All measurements for memory usage were the same**

Benchmark on this branch

$ ~/code/elixir/bin/elixir ~/code/elixir/bin/mix clean && MIX_ENV=prod ~/code/elixir/bin/elixir ~/code/elixir/bin/mix run bench.exs
Compiling 2 files (.ex)
Generated wi2 app
Mix env: :prod
Operating System: macOS
CPU Information: Apple M1 Max
Number of Available Cores: 10
Available memory: 64 GB
Elixir 1.18.0-dev
Erlang 27.1.2
JIT enabled: true

Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 2 s
time: 6 s
memory time: 2 s
reduction time: 0 ns
parallel: 1
inputs: a. tiny - 100, b. small - 1,000, c. medium - 10,000, d. bigger - 100,000, e. large - 1,000,000
Estimated total run time: 1 min 40 s

Benchmarking Enum.with_index/2 with fn with input a. tiny - 100 ...
Benchmarking Enum.with_index/2 with fn with input b. small - 1,000 ...
Benchmarking Enum.with_index/2 with fn with input c. medium - 10,000 ...
Benchmarking Enum.with_index/2 with fn with input d. bigger - 100,000 ...
Benchmarking Enum.with_index/2 with fn with input e. large - 1,000,000 ...
Benchmarking Enum.with_index/2 with offset with input a. tiny - 100 ...
Benchmarking Enum.with_index/2 with offset with input b. small - 1,000 ...
Benchmarking Enum.with_index/2 with offset with input c. medium - 10,000 ...
Benchmarking Enum.with_index/2 with offset with input d. bigger - 100,000 ...
Benchmarking Enum.with_index/2 with offset with input e. large - 1,000,000 ...
Calculating statistics...
Formatting results...

##### With input a. tiny - 100 #####
Name                                    ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
Enum.with_index/2 with offset        2.48 M      403.93 ns  ±5368.21%         333 ns         541 ns
Enum.with_index/2 with fn            1.69 M      591.08 ns  ±4174.85%         541 ns         709 ns

Enum.with_index/2 with offset        2.48 M
Enum.with_index/2 with fn            1.69 M - 1.46x slower +187.15 ns

Memory usage statistics:

Name                             Memory usage
Enum.with_index/2 with offset         3.94 KB
Enum.with_index/2 with fn             5.47 KB - 1.39x memory usage +1.53 KB

**All measurements for memory usage were the same**

##### With input b. small - 1,000 #####
Name                                    ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
Enum.with_index/2 with offset      247.39 K        4.04 μs   ±186.39%        3.58 μs       13.88 μs
Enum.with_index/2 with fn          172.72 K        5.79 μs    ±89.57%        5.25 μs       17.17 μs

Enum.with_index/2 with offset      247.39 K
Enum.with_index/2 with fn          172.72 K - 1.43x slower +1.75 μs

Memory usage statistics:

Name                             Memory usage
Enum.with_index/2 with offset        54.69 KB
Enum.with_index/2 with fn            54.69 KB - 1.00x memory usage +0 KB

**All measurements for memory usage were the same**

##### With input c. medium - 10,000 #####
Name                                    ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
Enum.with_index/2 with fn           16.55 K       60.43 μs     ±7.29%       60.08 μs       67.42 μs
Enum.with_index/2 with offset       15.75 K       63.49 μs    ±87.38%       42.71 μs      260.67 μs

Enum.with_index/2 with fn           16.55 K
Enum.with_index/2 with offset       15.75 K - 1.05x slower +3.06 μs

Memory usage statistics:

Name                             Memory usage
Enum.with_index/2 with fn           430.33 KB
Enum.with_index/2 with offset       430.36 KB - 1.00x memory usage +0.0313 KB

**All measurements for memory usage were the same**

##### With input d. bigger - 100,000 #####
Name                                    ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
Enum.with_index/2 with offset        1.10 K        0.91 ms     ±4.67%        0.90 ms        0.99 ms
Enum.with_index/2 with fn            0.95 K        1.06 ms    ±14.70%        1.05 ms        1.27 ms

Enum.with_index/2 with offset        1.10 K
Enum.with_index/2 with fn            0.95 K - 1.17x slower +0.151 ms

Memory usage statistics:

Name                             Memory usage
Enum.with_index/2 with offset         4.83 MB
Enum.with_index/2 with fn             4.92 MB - 1.02x memory usage +0.0931 MB

**All measurements for memory usage were the same**

##### With input e. large - 1,000,000 #####
Name                                    ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
Enum.with_index/2 with offset         56.54       17.69 ms    ±32.77%       18.57 ms       32.38 ms
Enum.with_index/2 with fn             42.61       23.47 ms    ±31.16%       24.80 ms       40.53 ms

Enum.with_index/2 with offset         56.54
Enum.with_index/2 with fn             42.61 - 1.33x slower +5.79 ms

Memory usage statistics:

Name                             Memory usage
Enum.with_index/2 with offset        51.49 MB
Enum.with_index/2 with fn            53.32 MB - 1.04x memory usage +1.82 MB

**All measurements for memory usage were the same**

ckampfe avatar Oct 24 '24 20:10 ckampfe