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Tobi talks (Going Staff, Benchee, Stories in Open Source, Metaphors are everywhere, Functioning among humans)
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Tobias Pfeiffer
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Your proposal type: talk, lightning talk or til (today I learned)
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Hey folks,
sorry for the random round about but I noticed we are often lacking talks and I know I have a bunch of talks that I haven't given the Elixir UG before. I didn't want to "spam" the submissions by opening 5 issues or so, also I'm not sure what scope the elixir UG is looking for as a lot of my talks these days are more focussed on communication/leadership/weird ideas.
You can find my talks/more detail here: (some with video and slides) but in short the talks I've been thinking might be worth giving:
- Going Staff - it's a talk about what it entails to be a Staff engineer, how do you become one etc. (giving it for the first time next week at RUG::B)
- Benchee - I talked about it a bit in the past, but I'm sure I can put new spins and perspectives on it. Like, walking through benchmark or even design decisions in Benchee, a code deep dive, whatever
- Stories in Open Source - A story about my life in Open source and how to contribute to OSS
- Functioning Among Humans - a social/communication skills talk that is close and dear to my heart
I can give any of these on relatively short notice (I mean Benchee I'd still need to prepare some stuff unless you want me to redo a version I done before).
(I also have ideas for new elixir related talks, but I'll put those into separate proposals when I have them. This was intended as a catch-all kinda deal to see what's wanted at all and be like "I could jump in, probably")
Go, have a bunny:
Favourite Month you would like to present in