https://eliteschw31n.gitbook.io/mooncord/usage/discord-commands Work in progress
Would be handy for all developers
Hey there, thanks for the PR. i oversaw the PR, sorry about that. Looks good to me. Also about the wiki, i will move to gitbook soon, because the github...
with 1.0.5 i fully want to migrate to another wiki system that moonraker uses, easier to maintain.
hey there on what hardware are you running mooncord?
Are you on bullseye?
what is your output from `node --version` ?
hmm this is odd. i will look into that and will maybe change the the gc settings.
hmm buster isnt supported anymore. anyways, i will test it on my cm4 with dev mode (that actuelly eats even more ram)
In dev mode i have around 20mb ram usage without printing. I will test little more.