Elio Campitelli

Results 93 issues of Elio Campitelli

(Y hay que ver qué sacar)

I'm running revdepcheck and after seemingly checking all packages correctly, the file cran.md states: ``` ## revdepcheck results We checked 36 reverse dependencies (0 from CRAN + 36 from Bioconductor),...

I ran revdepcheck on the ggnewscale package and it failed to checked 12/36 packages. `revdep/README.md` listed those failures, but `revdep/problems.md` stated that there were "no problems at all", while `revdep/failures.md`...

I think frequently pasted items should not be removed from history.

I'd like to disable Rush's notifications from appearing in the notification centre (that is, the whole history of notifications you get when clicking the bell icon). On elementary OS that's...

Probar con patchwork, cowplot, gganimate

Puedo copiar lo que está en el readme

¿Cómo hago para agregar test en este paquete?