Thank you for using the package! Please take a look at https://github.com/elimintz/justpy/issues/63 and let me know if this does not solve your problem
It won't be in this upcoming version. Will try getting it into one of the next versions.
So this is really a feature, not a bug :). It was requested because after the developer restarts the server, users were sometimes unaware that their page was stale and...
Could you please post a small program that replicates this problem?
I don't see this behavior in my setup, so I would like to replicate it. Is this something that didn't happen before and started happening now? I am trying to...
Thank you. If instead of clicking ok, you reload the page, does it work ok? How do you feel about the proposed solution of reloading the page automatically a few...
Is this problem new, or was this always the case?
I'll try to find some time to do as you suggest. In the mean time, please replace lines 65 to 77 in https://github.com/elimintz/justpy/blob/master/justpy/templates/main.html with: ```javascript socket.addEventListener('error', function (event) { setTimeout(function(){...
I'm sorry, I am out of ideas. If you just remove lines 65 to 77, the user would need to reload the page when you restart the application, but at...
Sorry, my bad. I just noticed that I made a mistake. Just erasing lines 65 to 77 would not work. You need to replace these lines with one line: ```javascript...