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[enhancement] Suggestion cog - ability to create multiple suggestions channels
I would like to propose a feature for the suggestion cog: the ability to create multiple suggestions channels.
Context: I'm working on a NSFW server with reddit feeds and I implemented this cog so that members will suggest new features in #💡│server-suggʼs. I would like to separate the types of suggestions people will do in different channels: server-related sugg's in #💡│server-suggʼs and new reddit feeds sugg's in #💡│feeds-suggʼs.
Something like this: -suggestset channel <what> [channel]
-suggestset channel server #💡│server-suggʼs
-suggestset channel feed #💡│feeds-suggʼs
And members would suggest like this: -suggest <what> <suggestion>
-suggest server [...]
-suggest feed [...]
Thank you for reading.
thanks for the suggestion, it would surely be an interesting thing to dive into. My biggest issue with this would be handling the settings for bots that would have the original version with only one suggestion box.
I'll try looking into it a bit once my exams are over, unless I think of a good way to handle it before. :)