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TCPDF helper for laravel
I need to sign with two different certificates. Can anyone help?
Hello, The package works locally perfect, but when i puted it in the server gives me this error. `the method setSignature does not exists in TCPDF` I trying debugging the...
How can i add a Background Image?
I have two cells with option $ln=1 but they are overlapped and start from the same point. ``` PDF::AddPage(); PDF::Cell($w=42, $h=8, $txt='String one', $border=0, $ln=1, $align='L', $fill=0, $link='', $stretch=0, $ignore_min_height=true,...
Today i have a demand that i need the document to be signed with two or more certificates. I need to know some information, such as: - Does this functionlity...
i put my local site Laravel version 9.52.4 on-line in Forge Ubuntu Server deploy by DigitalOcean. I link my site with GitHub, the strange think is when i ask one...
I am trying to configure a Urdu font. Reference URL: As I added the font into TCPDF using script ``` PDF::SetTitle('Hello World'); $fontname = \TCPDF_FONTS::addTTFfont(base_path('storage/fonts/').'Jameel-Noori-Nastaleeq.ttf', 'TrueTypeUnicode'); PDF::SetFont('jameelnoorinastaleeq'); PDF::AddPage(); PDF::Write(0,...
Hi! I did install "Space Grotesk" font. ( Using **vendor/tecnickcom/tcpdf/tools/tcpdf_addfont.php**. When I did the request by Postman, all works fine. Look at image below. This way works:` $this->pdf->Output($this->nameFile, 'I');` ![Captura...
Hello, the PDF/A-1b mode create pdf but pdf file not have font embedded. If I copy paste the TCPDF Example 065 code I just have the pdf but not the...
I upgraded from 10 to 11. Everything works except that he can't find the serializeTCPDFtagParameters function. I know that you have to set 'tcpdf_calls_in_html' to true. (It also worked in...