Elias Soto
Elias Soto
Last commit: Jul 24, 2015... use your fork :)
I also had this issue. To solve it I gave the container a fixed (no %) `width` and `align-items: stretch`
...to `.first´ (the container that is overflowed by its content) @philipwalton
Just add a fixed width to `.second`. - Example: https://codepen.io/sotocodes/pen/aVgdEq?editors=1100 - Code (_I add also some color and margin so you can see it works_): ``` .first{ display: flex; flex-direction:...
I can help with German and Spanish
👍 for mdBook! I have been working on an example for the [Rust Cookbook](https://github.com/brson/rust-cookbook) and it's been a nice tool to work with!
please, let's make this happen