obsidian-annotator copied to clipboard
Better highlighting functionality
Am aware that this is more than likely an Hypothesis issue but it is nonetheless a place crying out for improvement. On a 2021 iPad Pro with a 2nd gen Apple Pencil it is extremely difficult to highlight text accurately. Moreover, when the desired text is ready to be highlighted the Copy|Look Up|Translate|Share etc. options often get in the way of the Annotate|Highlight options. See attached photos.
The first photo is of Obsidian Annotator. After three tries I was able to select the text I wanted to annotate. Was lucky in that the Copy etc options displayed above and not on top of the Annotate|Highlight options.
The second photo is of the same pdf in Zotero. One try and very responsive movement of markers to define a highlight.
All this time I had been thinking that the difficulty I encountered on the iPad was owing to the quality of the pdf - though the plugin is more responsive in the desktop version of Obsidian using a mouse. My experience with Zotero highlighting indicates that the issue is not with the pdf. Am aware that many people use Zotero for notetaking and import to Obsidian. I do not want to do this. I love having all my texts in Obsidian along with the notes from them. Moreover, I am a big fan of the structure of the Annotator notes with text+comment+ tags.
So. Is it on Hypothesis' radar to improve their pdf reader? Or is there something else that can solve this issue?
Many thanks