obsidian-annotator icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
obsidian-annotator copied to clipboard

Annotation search not working

Open osaze-nosaze opened this issue 2 years ago • 7 comments

Hi, Thanks for this great plugin. Could you look at the search feature above the annotations pane, though? Annotation search does not function anymore on my system: Ubuntu 20.04.4; Obsidian 0.14.6; Obsidian-Annotator 0.2.2. I type a string into the search bar, press <Enter>, but nothing happens. I do not know whether this has to do with the failure of auto-update for the plugin a few days back. Annotator repeatedly would not update, although other plugins did. I had to download the Annotator zip file and unzip its contents into ".obsidian/plugins/obsidian-annotator". Everything but this annotation search feature seems to work fine so far. Thanks for your help.

osaze-nosaze avatar May 18 '22 16:05 osaze-nosaze

Yep, I see the same problem on my vault. I found that this error is root cause, but didn't figure out yet why it appeared with latest release 🤔

Blocked form submission to '#' because the form's frame is sandboxed and the 'allow-forms' permission is not set.

aladmit avatar May 24 '22 02:05 aladmit

Are you talking about the magnifying glass icon; i.e. what I would call PDF search? (I'm confused why you're calling it the "Annotation search")

huyz avatar Jul 28 '22 09:07 huyz

Are you talking about the magnifying glass icon; i.e. what I would call PDF search? (I'm confused why you're calling it the "Annotation search")

@huyz Not the PDF search. The magnifying glass in the section that lists the annotations. When you hover over that icon, it says "Search annotations"

connor-minton avatar Aug 04 '22 19:08 connor-minton

Same issue here: Windows, Plugin Version: 0.2.7

amaanansari avatar Dec 17 '22 14:12 amaanansari

Same issue here: Windows, Release V0.2.10

vatalaga avatar Jan 28 '23 15:01 vatalaga

Issue is still here as of today. One possible work around is to open the file back into mark down mode and then do a regular search.

dtonda8 avatar Jul 25 '23 11:07 dtonda8