masquerade copied to clipboard
PHP Warning: Wrong COM_STMT_PREPARE response size on masquerade run.
hi, lately i'm finding this error on an attempted run of masquerade to anonymise a magento DB for sandboxing.
i have tried this with a few recent db dumps from the last few months, and they all fail, while i've been using it successfully for a year and a half.
results of a verbose run here:
$ php masquerade.phar run -vvv
Box Requirements Checker
> Using PHP 7.4.19
> PHP is using the following php.ini file:
> Checking Box requirements:
✔ The application requires the version "^7.2" or greater.
✔ The application requires the extension "zlib".
✔ The package "doctrine/dbal" requires the extension "pdo".
✔ The package "illuminate/database" requires the extension "json".
✔ The package "illuminate/support" requires the extension "json".
✔ The package "nesbot/carbon" requires the extension "json".
[OK] Your system is ready to run the application.
[Foreign key constraint checking is off - deletions will not affect linked tables]
PHP Warning: Wrong COM_STMT_PREPARE response size. Received 7 in phar:///var/www/firetoys-sand1/masquerade/masquerade.phar/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/PDOConnection.php on line 67
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function execute() on bool in phar:///var/www/firetoys-sand1/masquerade/masquerade.phar/vendor/illuminate/database/Connection.php:463
Stack trace:
#0 phar:///var/www/firetoys-sand1/masquerade/masquerade.phar/vendor/illuminate/database/Connection.php(662): Illuminate\Database\Connection->Illuminate\Database\{closure}('SET GLOBAL sql_...', Array)
#1 phar:///var/www/firetoys-sand1/masquerade/masquerade.phar/vendor/illuminate/database/Connection.php(629): Illuminate\Database\Connection->runQueryCallback('SET GLOBAL sql_...', Array, Object(Closure))
#2 phar:///var/www/firetoys-sand1/masquerade/masquerade.phar/vendor/illuminate/database/Connection.php(464): Illuminate\Database\Connection->run('SET GLOBAL sql_...', Array, Object(Closure))
#3 phar:///var/www/firetoys-sand1/masquerade/masquerade.phar/src/Elgentos/Masquerade/Console/RunCommand.php(330): Illuminate\Database\Connection->statement('SET GLOBAL sql_...')
#4 phar:///var/www/firetoys-sand1/masquerade/masquerade.phar/src/Elgent in phar:///var/www/firetoys-sand1/masquerade/masquerade.phar/vendor/illuminate/database/Connection.php on line 463
I have double checked the config.yaml a few times, and it all seems in order. the only results i can see anywhere else all point to laravel issues, and masquerade is the only laravel user on this server as far as i'm aware. has this been seen before?
far as i can tell, foreign constraint checking is ON, and i have reset it in mysql with SET GLOBAL FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;
to no avail