Leo Gallucci
Leo Gallucci
In AWS EKS pods and nodes can have an AWS IAM role attached that already contains the S3 permissions necessary. Is there a way to avoid having to pass S3...
https://github.com/tox-dev/tox-conda/blob/1bebdc94f3f183437ed8e90c57e30f960495da53/setup.cfg#L29 This was updated 1 year ago, is it possible to support tox >= 4
TF 2.14.0 is still not added to https://github.com/tensorflow/io#tensorflow-version-compatibility and latest tensorflow-io==0.34.0 after `tfio.IODataset.from_mnist(...)` gives error: ``` NotImplementedError: unable to open file: libtensorflow_io.so, from paths: ['/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tensorflow_io/python/ops/libtensorflow_io.so'] caused by: ['/opt/conda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tensorflow_io/python/ops/libtensorflow_io.so: undefined symbol:...
### How to reproduce Simply pulling any PyTorch image and then executing the curl command: ```sh # laptop or any computer we tried docker run --rm -ti \ 763104351884.dkr.ecr.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/pytorch-training:2.0.0-gpu-py310-cu118-ubuntu20.04-ec2 #...
### How to reproduce The easiest way to reproduce is with htop, but it happens with some other packages like https://github.com/nicolargo/glances ```sh # laptop or any computer we tried docker...
How can I configure the GPU Operator so that it automatically mounts the `nvidia-settings` `nvidia-xconfig` binaries? The following binaries are automatically mounted from the host `/run/nvidia/driver/usr/bin/*` to the Pod by...
Any hints? ``` #0 0.244 Install Pangolin with Python bindings #0 0.246 Cloning into 'Pangolin'... #0 1.317 Note: switching to 'aff6883c83f3fd7e8268a9715e84266c42e2efe3'. #0 1.355 Submodule 'components/pango_python/pybind11' (https://github.com/pybind/pybind11.git) registered for path 'components/pango_python/pybind11'...
Is this no longer maintained? Is it because of an alternative open source solution?
To avoid having to keep this up to date with latest selenium