far2l copied to clipboard
far2l ecosystem
Let's make something like wiki page here on github with links to all projects related to far2l. One of main advantages of Far for Windows was rich ecosystem, and I see no reason why far2l should have lesser possibilities to have a wider one (actually ecosystem already exists and growing, even although main project still declared as alpha). As we have no wiki page (or something like plugring ;) yet, let's start right here.
A collection of keyboard macros
for Linux port of FAR v2:
https://github.com/corporateshark/far2l-macros, useful for example if you use a MacBookPro 13" keyboard, which doesn't have keys such as Ins.
GVFS plugin
(rich set of network protocols supported): https://github.com/cycleg/far-gvfs
FUSE plugin
(sshfs usage simplified): https://github.com/unxed/far2l-fuse
editwrap plugin
port: https://github.com/unxed/far2l-EditWrap (good example of rather simple plugin porting)
Lua plugin
: https://github.com/shmuz/LuaFAR-2L
sample plugin in FreePascal: https://github.com/unxed/far2l-fpc-helloworld
Compatible apps
- putty fork with far2l terminal extensions (all hotkeys, clipboard):
- terminal with far2l extensions also supported:
- imports Windows Far .reg settings to far2l:
Packages/builds/build scripts
: https://launchpad.net/~far2l-team/+archive/ubuntu/ppa
Custom .deb
's: https://github.com/unxed/far2l-deb/
Amazon Linux
build script: https://github.com/unxed/far2l-deb/blob/master/misc/amazon_linux_far2l.sh
build howto: https://github.com/nvv13/far2l/commit/c94226c4ffb68f6a21c263cda6ba94338a03e51d
Alt Linux
build spec: https://github.com/vitlav/far2l/commit/9e6b6dac05d06ac0ad38cdd5d9fb3e4c68f4430b
howto: https://github.com/elfmz/far2l/issues/583#issuecomment-528762866
(linux & darwin): https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/tree/master/pkgs/applications/misc/far2l
(centos/fedora): https://github.com/polter-rnd/far2l-rpm/
portable build
(for "shared" hosting, etc): https://github.com/elfmz/far2l/issues/647#issuecomment-787537688
Notable forks (see branches also)
(slow copy fix, unicode detection fix, KOI8-U, etc) https://github.com/Alter-1/far2l
(hidden files display mode shown) https://github.com/ha3flt/far2l
(pdf support in multiarc) https://github.com/l-4-l/far2l
(large code cleanup work) https://github.com/svost/far2l
(macos build fixes) https://github.com/singalen/far2l
(adoption for better Lua support): https://github.com/shmuz/far2l
Colors Monokai-inspired color theme https://github.com/elfmz/far2l/issues/791#issuecomment-709407687
Added package for Fedora and Centos: https://github.com/polter-rnd/far2l-rpm/ Builds here: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/polter/far2l/
ebuild for Gentoo
OpenSUSE: https://software.opensuse.org//download.html?project=home%3AAndnoVember%3Atest&package=far2l https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file/home:AndnoVember:test/far2l/far2l.spec?expand=1
ура! Давно пользуюсь в Ubuntu и Debian. Вот бы ещё и для Астры собрать
По предложению коллеги сделал чатик в телеграме для желающих вот https://t.me/far2l_ru
I'm thinking about migrating coloring palettes from pseudoregistry into ini file to improve startup speed for poor macos users (see #910 ). Is that a big issue> i know there're reg-based themes distributed somewhere...
For now its about stuff in REG/HKU/c/k-Software/k-Far2/k-Colors/k-Highlight
I'm thinking about migrating coloring palettes from pseudoregistry into ini file to improve startup speed for poor macos users (see #910 ). Is that a big issue> i know there're reg-based themes distributed somewhere...
updated my themes with .ini files for highlights. don't know about other themes 🤷♂️
seems coloring themes gonna move again, something frightening ripens at config.ini branch..
wow, a war on pseudo registry
aha, and winner will take away https://github.com/elfmz/far2l/blob/master/far2l/registry.cpp
aha, and winner will take away https://github.com/elfmz/far2l/blob/master/far2l/registry.cpp
Small request. If ini file(s) have been changed in far2l's editor, reload the configuration when closing the editor. Or at least not overwrite ini(s) when exiting far2l, even if "automatically save settings" option is enabled.
Not sure if its possible with feasible effort
seems coloring themes gonna move again, something frightening ripens at config.ini branch..
dark theme updated for recent far2l changes (registry elimination, etc) https://github.com/unxed/far2l-deb/blob/master/themes/default_dark.tar.gz https://github.com/unxed/far2l-deb/blob/master/themes/default_dark_smarty.tar.gz
Portable build. Works even on CentOS 7 :) Only one executable: you just upload it to almost any "shared" hosting, and run. TTY-only as intended for remote use. SMB in NetRocks refuses to work properly in portable mode, so no SMB also.
Build scrips also published (see howtobuild.txt).
Should run on CentOS 7+, Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian 9+, Amazon Linux 2+ and almost any supported distro :)
ура! Давно пользуюсь в Ubuntu и Debian. Вот бы ещё и для Астры собрать
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=977790 https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=977807
Its opensource, just need to wait a bit...
Installation script for Oracle Linux (tested on aarch64)
Sorry, no wx, no libarchive, no samba, no webdav. Also python needs some manipulations by hands, see #1164. All other stuff works as expected.
Portable version for aarch64 (even with webdav and libarchive!): https://github.com/unxed/far2l-deb/blob/master/portable/far2l_portable_aarch64.tar.gz
KiTTY 4 far2l: https://github.com/mihmig/KiTTY https://github.com/cyd01/KiTTY/issues/74
putty-nd with far2l extensions https://sourceforge.net/p/putty-nd/feature-requests/36/
RPM spec of far2l (Linux port of FAR Manager v2).
A book about Ruby development mentions far2l as recommended file manager:
There are some other flavors of file managers. However, Far Manager is so useful tool, so programmers have ported this manager to Linux and MacOS. You can find setup instructions by following the link above, but we’ll cover it here for MacOS
far2l built with wxQt
wxWidgets over qt? Looks little bit weird :), whats point of such configuration?
far2l extensions support merged to mainline KiTTY: https://github.com/cyd01/KiTTY/pull/357
xTRD and xSCL plugins ported to far2l
EditWrap plugin port (good simple example of how to port windows plugins to linux)
Sample far2l plugin written in Pascal (builds with Free Pascal Compiler). Maybe helpful for porting Pascal plugins, as it has PluginW.pas module updated for far2l plugin API changes and also Windows.pas with some required WinAPI constants and structures that FPC do not offer by default.
far2l extensions support merged to mainline KiTTY
А что нужно сделать (включить\настроить), чтобы воспользоваться новой функциональностью? Пробовал версию с сайта https://www.fosshub.com/KiTTY.html, ничего не получилось.