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far2l on openSUSE
I have successfully compiled and installed it on Thumbleweed (KDE Plasma X11), it works perfect except that Esc and Tab keys do not work. Could you please help me to fix it
p.s. 2 all ppl interested, all required libraries to compile: libuchardet-devel wxWidgets-3_2-devel libarchive-devel libopenssl-devel libssh-devel libneon-devel libnfs-devel pcre-devel samba-devel libxerces-c-devel
What version & backend far2l has problem? GUI or TTY|Xi?
You can see backend in title of far2l windows or type & run pseudo-command far:about
in far2l's command line.
If problem only in TTY|Xi you can try other terminal emulator.
In https://github.com/elfmz/far2l/issues/647#issuecomment-1753926835 for openSUSE recommended wxGTK3-3_2-devel
not wxWidgets-3_2-devel
Far2l packages for openSUSE you can download from https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/viklequick/
That was about gui mode. But I swithed to tty mode yesterday and fully satisfied with it! The ticket may be closed