Eli Fisher
Eli Fisher
This looks really interesting! From an end-user perspective, does this improve AD accuracy, performance, or something else?
Thanks for the clarification @amitgalitz! If you don't mind, can you [create an issue in the doc repo](https://github.com/opensearch-project/documentation-website/issues/new?assignees=&labels=enhancement%2C+untriaged&template=FEATURE_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md&title=%5BFEATURE%5D) to track this update for 2.1? Since this is an improvement to...
>> The model produces too many spurious warnings. The model misses too many anomalies. The data point is not an anomaly (false positive). One anomaly is undetected (false negative). Are...
This looks really interesting. Does this associate the user via their authenticated principal (e.g., who they are via security auth) or does this work a different way? Also, since we...
@amitgalitz thanks for sharing the additional details. This looks like something we would want to document since it is data used for monitoring a cluster. Could you open a [documentation...
> Sounds good, we'll actually be deciding next week if this makes it into 2.1 or 2.2 and act accordingly and change tag here if moved. Should documentation issues be...
I like this idea.
@mnkugler could you help pick this one up?
> @elfisher sure! Thanks!
This looks like the right place to add this. My team has been using the UpBoard image on the [STK1A32SC](https://ark.intel.com/products/91064/Intel-Compute-Stick-STK1A32SC) Compute Stick with next to no issues. The STK1A32SC Compute...