pi-weather-station copied to clipboard
auto start the Weather-Station
I try my best, but I can't get your program to start automatically.
I wrote a bash-script (start_weather.sh) with the following call:
#!/bin/bash cd ~/pi-weather-station/ npm start
and made it executable.
chmod +x /home/pi/start_weather.sh
If I enter:
$ /home/pi/start_weather.sh
it starts like it should.
But if I put it in a crontab nothing hapend.
0 9 * * * /home/pi/start_weather.sh
Try the same with your bash https://github.com/elewin/pi-weather-station/issues/12 (just without chromium):
#!/bin/bash cd ~/pi-weather-station/ /usr/local/bin/npm start ~/pi-weather-station/server/index.js
unfortunately without success
Do you have an idea where the problem could be or what I can still try ?
Edit: I have figured out that it works when I start the script via LXDE. But why doesn't crontab work?
I was able to get mine to start automatically during boot using crontab
Try changing your crontab entry to @reboot instead of the 0 9 ***. That way it starts on reboot and stays running. What you have now is every 9 minutes it tries to start whether it's running or not.
@reboot /home/pi/start_weather.sh
@k5map can you share your crontab commands?
@carl1961 ... Definitely; here are the steps to get the app to start on boot:
- crontab -e
- enter this at the bottom — @reboot bash /home/pi/weather-start.sh (the name of the bash script can be anything you want)
Here is what I have in my script in my home directory:
- cd $HOME/pi-weather-station/
- npm start &
Thanks @k5map another question is what is your remedy to get full screen when it starts up. I am setting up this for my wife as a 7 inch screen with no key board and mouse. so if power fail reboot it boots to full screen
@carl1961 ... I don't know the answer to your question. For my setup, I'm using the app on a RPi and accessing the webpage remotely from my different computers. If you Google Pi Weather Station, I think you'll find multiple YouTube videos which might give you the information to make that setting.
Thanks @k5map thats what I been finding , this one works with the touch screen , moving to top will pop up a button to exit fuul screen
@k5map Got it all working, this is what I had t do. I did everything you told me, could not get browser to pop up and learned you cannot start browser through crontab https://forums.raspberrypi.com//viewtopic.php?t=231987 did what this link showed for chromium-brower to start full screen https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/69204/open-chromium-full-screen-on-start-up
what I put at bottom of autostart file sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
@xset s off @xset -dpms @xset s noblank @chromium-browser --start-fullscreen http://localhost:8080
chrontab -e starts the npm start as you told in your post at boot /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart starts chromium-browser at boot