TextSurface icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
TextSurface copied to clipboard

A little animation framework which could help you to show message in a nice looking way


A little animation framework which could help you to show message in a nice looking way.


  1. Create TextSurface instance or add it in your layout.
  2. Create Text instancies with TextBuilder defining appearance of text and position:
Text textDaai = TextBuilder
  1. Create animations and pass them to the TextSurface instance:
		new Sequential(
				Slide.showFrom(Side.TOP, textDaai, 500),
				Alpha.hide(textDaai, 1500)

See full sample here.

Adjusting animations

  • To play animations sequentially use Sequential.java

  • To play animations simultaneously use Parallel.java

  • Animations/effects could be combined like this:

    new Parallel(Alpha.show(textA, 500), ChangeColor.to(textA, 500, Color.RED))

    i.e. alpha and color of text will be changed simultaneously in 500ms

Adding your own animations/effects

There're two basic classes which you could extend to add custom animation:

  • AbstractSurfaceAnimation.java to animate basic parameters like alpha, translation, scale and others. (See Alpha.java or ChangeColor.java)
  • ITextEffect.java interface which could be used for more complex animations. (See Rotate3D.java or ShapeReveal.java)

Proguard configuration

The framework is based on standard android animation classes which uses reflection extensively. To avoid obfuscation you need to exclude classes of the framework:

-keep class su.levenetc.android.textsurface.** { *; }


repositories {
    maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.elevenetc:textsurface:0.9.1'

