elevatezoom copied to clipboard
Mousewheel disabled
I'm not really using the mousewheel zoom, therefore I'd like to know how can users be able to still mousewheel the page even if they have the mouse on top of the image.
It's not easy, but I found a way to do it using the mousewheel plugin (https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mousewheel). You have to set it up so that mousewheel input disables elevatezoom when user scrolls, then re-enable it a period of time after the last scroll input (I chose .5 seconds).
My code to accomplish this is as follows (my image paths have php in them, as the images were called in a loop for a gallery):
jQuery(document).ready( function() {
var zoomConfig = {zoomType : "lens", lensShape : "round", borderColour: "#C2132F", lensSize : 200, cursor: "crosshair", responsive: true };
// path to the image
var image = jQuery('#zoom_<?php echo $i ?>');
// this is a toggle i set up in the header of the page
jQuery('#zoomToggle').on('click', function elevateZoom() {
// if toggle is set to active
if (zoomStatus === 'active') {
// function to turn elevate zoom on
function scrollDone() {
// setTimeout function to run scrollDone after 0.5seconds
var scrollTimeout = setTimeout(scrollDone, 500);
// function to reset the timer back to 0
function resetActive() {
scrollTimeout = setTimeout(scrollDone, 500);
// when user scrolls mouse
jQuery('body').on('mousewheel', function(event) {
// check if toggle in header is active
if (zoomStatus === 'active') {
// turn off elevate zoom
// run function to reset the timer
} else {
// turn off elevatezoom if toggled to off in header