Edward Evans
Edward Evans
This PR improves how we assign the imagej `CalibratedAxis` subclass of a given axis when converting an `xarray.DataArray` to a `net.imagej.Dataset`. Currently only `DefaultLinearAxis` and `EnumeratedAxis` are supported, with `EnumeratedAxis`...
If you have a `net.imagej.Dataset` with an attached `net.imagej.roi.DefaultROITree` and ask for an `xarray.DataArray` via `ij.py.to_xarray()` the conversion will fail with: ```python ... File "/home/edward/Documents/repos/loci/scyjava/src/scyjava/_convert.py", line 82, in _raise_type_exception raise...
There are available builds for `scyjava` and `imglyb` on `conda-forge` but not `pyimagej`: ```bash $ mamba search scyjava --platform linux-aarch64 Loading channels: done # Name Version Build Channel ... (versions...
We can do better here and detect what the input image is and take the appropriate steps to re-order the dataset. If you try to re-order an imglib2 image with...
Running the advanced `Flybrain Out-of-Core` demo leads to a reproducible seg fault. Interestingly, no interaction is need to trigger this fault. I discovered this bug when I let sciview download...
When the cursor crosses or hovers over the color map bar the data in view disappears. Changing the LUTs or the values of the display range have no effect. Resizing...
If you install SciJava Ops via the update site with Fiji future, not all Ops are available despite the correct jars being retrieved. To reproduce do the following steps: 1....
I have a script to view imglib2 meshes with the 3Ds viewer. It uses `org.scijava.vecmath.Point3f`. When trying to run the script I get an `ImportError` due to a missing module:...