SAML2 copied to clipboard
Config with Azure AD
I downloaded AAD metadata from: but following attempt at OWIN config fails with 'Metadata signature could not be verified': var metadata = new XmlDocument() { PreserveWhitespace = true }; metadata.Load(@"C:\Workspaces\Projects\OwinSAML2\OwinSAML2\metadata.xml"); var samlConfig = new SAML2.Config.Saml2Configuration() { ServiceProvider = new SAML2.Config.ServiceProvider() { Id = "", Server = "https://localhost:44381/", }, IdentityProviders = new IdentityProviders(new IdentityProvider[] { new IdentityProvider() { Metadata = new Saml20MetadataDocument(metadata), OmitAssertionSignatureCheck = true } }), AllowedAudienceUris = new List<Uri> { new Uri("") } };
If you're using Azure AD why don't you use (the better supported) WS-Federation package?
Or Open-ID connect..... I would recommend using this package only if the identity provider doesn't support some easier way.
@mrochon did you end up integrating with Azure AD via SAML2.0 and this library?