py2neo-quickstart copied to clipboard
Working through "The Movie Graph" as Py2Neo
import py2neo
-- Quickstart
As everyone knows:
== best
== amazing
.. image:: both.gif
+ neo4j
= Py2Neo
We are so grateful to for combining them as
This guide exists to demonstrate how to run the ``cypher`` in the built-in
`Neo4j` tutorial **"movie demo database"** using
.. _technige: .. _Py2Neo:
Both the python driver for neo4j and py2neo are actively being developed. This guide was created based on versions:
- Py2neo v5
- Neo4j 4.0
This is not a beginner-beginner tutorial, but it's
pretty close to the beginning. We'll be assuming that you know what both python
and Neo4j
are and have them both running and have played with
them a bit and are maybe still learning.
... hey, that's a bit too fast ...
If you'd like to know more about Python
: the programming language: there
is a whole internet of resources, this is the official we like guide to kicking
If you'd like to know more about Neo4j
: the awesome-sauce property graph
database. Take your first steps using the docs here:
Going forward we're going to use jargon and assume you are already familiar with these <3
... hey, that's a bit too slow ...
This document is to replay the basic cypher tutorial "Movie Graph", as Py2Neo. This would potentially be useful to understand interacting with a graph using python. This is just some demo code, not a whole project.
If you'd like something heavier, say to deploy this graph in a project, there's the official python-flask demo project here:
If you're cool with this, you're ready for this quickstart!
Where we're starting from ...
The built-in Neo4j
tutorial "movie demo database" is one of the first things
you see when you first open the Neo4j
browser interface (the instructions to
install this are here:
Once you install and start Neo4j the defaul neo4j-browser url is:
http://localhost:7474/browser/. From here you can see the big friendly
"Jump into code: Write Code" :play write-code
The official description of this demo is:
The Movie Graph is a mini graph application containing actors and directors that are related through the movies they've collaborated on.
This guide will show you how to:
- Create: insert movie data into the graph
- Find: retrieve individual movies and actors
- Query: discover related actors and directors
- Solve: the Bacon Path
In this document we going to replicate this :play movie-graph
using Py2Neo.
All code examples presented are also here: Movie Graph as Py2Neo Jupyter Notebook <>
.. contents::
Create ++++++
This is a sample of the cypher
from the tutorial, hopefully this looks familiar.
This is what we'll convert to python.
.. code-block:: cypher
// Nodes
CREATE (TheMatrix:Movie {title:'The Matrix', released:1999, tagline:'Welcome to the Real World'})
CREATE (Keanu:Person {name:'Keanu Reeves', born:1964})
CREATE (Carrie:Person {name:'Carrie-Anne Moss', born:1967})
CREATE (Laurence:Person {name:'Laurence Fishburne', born:1961})
CREATE (Hugo:Person {name:'Hugo Weaving', born:1960})
CREATE (LillyW:Person {name:'Lilly Wachowski', born:1967})
CREATE (LanaW:Person {name:'Lana Wachowski', born:1965})
CREATE (JoelS:Person {name:'Joel Silver', born:1952})
CREATE (Emil:Person {name:"Emil Eifrem", born:1978})
CREATE (Emil)-[:ACTED_IN {roles:["Emil"]}]->(TheMatrix)
// Relationships
(Keanu)-[:ACTED_IN {roles:['Neo']}]->(TheMatrix),
(Carrie)-[:ACTED_IN {roles:['Trinity']}]->(TheMatrix),
(Laurence)-[:ACTED_IN {roles:['Morpheus']}]->(TheMatrix),
(Hugo)-[:ACTED_IN {roles:['Agent Smith']}]->(TheMatrix),
You'll notice that this is effectivley 1 step, where you create:
Step 1. ``CREATE`` ``nodes``, then ``CREATE`` ``relationships``.
You don't really think about committing this transaction.
Using the python
you must specifically think about both:
- Connecting to your Graph DB
- Committing the transaction
So using py2neo
there are 3 steps.
Step 0: Connect to your GraphDB
Step 1: Create your ``Node`` and ``Relationship`` objects
Step 2: Commit your Subgraphs (
Step 0: Connect to Graph using Py2Neo
.. code-block:: python
from py2neo import Graph
my_graph = Graph(password='[mysekretpasswordhere]')
There are plenty of options for connecting to your database if this implementation doesn't work for you.
For example, the following are all equivalent:
.. code-block:: python
my_graph0 = Graph()
my_graph1 = Graph(host="localhost")
my_graph2 = Graph("bolt://localhost:7687")
my_graph0 == my_graph1 == my_graph2
See the reference here:
Note that as of Neo4j 4.0+: if you have multiple graphs databases, you
can choose which database you connect to using the name
argument, see the docs above.
Multi-database support is still in active development at the database level:
A full list of database names
can be shown through the Cypher:
.. code-block:: cypher
// switch to system database
:use system
.. code-block:: cypher
Step 1: Create Node
and Relationship
Subgraphs using Py2Neo
Full Node
and Relationship
.. code-block:: python
from py2neo import Node, Relationship
# Nodes
TheMatrix = Node("Movie", title='The Matrix', released=1999, tagline='Welcome to the Real World')
Keanu = Node("Person", name='Keanu Reeves', born=1964)
Carrie = Node("Person", name='Carrie-Anne Moss', born=1967)
Laurence = Node("Person", name='Laurence Fishburne', born=1961)
Hugo = Node("Person", name='Hugo Weaving', born=1960)
LillyW = Node("Person", name='Lilly Wachowski', born=1967)
LanaW = Node("Person", name='Lana Wachowski', born=1965)
JoelS = Node("Person", name='Joel Silver', born=1952)
Emil = Node("Person", name="Emil Eifrem", born=1978)
# Relationships
LillyWTheMatrix = Relationship(LillyW, "DIRECTED", TheMatrix)
LanaWTheMatrix = Relationship(LanaW, "DIRECTED", TheMatrix)
JoelSTheMatrix = Relationship(JoelS, "PRODUCED", TheMatrix)
KeanuTheMatrix = Relationship(Keanu, "ACTED_IN", TheMatrix)
KeanuTheMatrix['roles'] = ['Neo']
CarrieTheMatrix = Relationship(Carrie, "ACTED_IN", TheMatrix)
CarrieTheMatrix['roles'] = ['Trinity']
LaurenceTheMatrix = Relationship(Laurence, "ACTED_IN", TheMatrix)
LaurenceTheMatrix['roles'] = ['Morpheus']
HugoTheMatrix = Relationship(Hugo, "ACTED_IN", TheMatrix)
HugoTheMatrix['roles'] = ['Agent Smith']
EmilTheMatrix = Relationship(Emil, "ACTED_IN", TheMatrix)
EmilTheMatrix['roles'] = ['Emil']
Note: This looks great but YOUR DB OBJECTS DO NOT EXIST YET!
They need to committed to the database.
Step 2: Commit using Py2Neo
.. code-block:: python
# Commit the transactions
tx = graph.begin()
This is just a sample from the more detailed example database provided at: The gist of the full dataset can be found here:
The full set is also with the code examples that go along with this here: Movie Graph as Py2Neo Jupyter Notebook <>
Find ++++
Example queries for finding individual nodes.
Connect to the database:
.. code-block:: python
from py2neo import Graph
graph = Graph(password='[yoursekretpasswordhere]')
There are multiple methods of instantiating NodeMatcher
.. code-block:: python
nodes_matcher = NodeMatcher(graph) nodes_matcher.match()
this is the same as:
Quick demo:
.. code-block:: python
keanu = graph.nodes.match("Person", name="Keanu Reeves").first()
Out[]: Node('Person', born=1964, name='Keanu Reeves')
.. code-block:: python
match_using_matcher = node_matcher.match(name="Keanu Reeves").first()
match_using_graphnodes = graph.nodes.match(name="Keanu Reeves").first()
match_using_matcher == match_using_graphnodes
Out[]: True
Demo from
.. code-block:: python
keanu0 = graph.nodes[1]
keanu1 = graph.nodes.get(1)
keanu2 = graph.nodes.match("Person", name="Keanu Reeves").first()
keanu0 == keanu1 == keanu2
Out[]: True
.. code-block:: python
Out[]: 145
Note, the full set of data has been loaded, you can see this:
Find the actor named "Tom Hanks"...
.. code-block:: cypher
MATCH (tom {name: "Tom Hanks"}) RETURN tom
.. code-block:: python
node_matcher.match(name="Tom Hanks").first()
Out[]: Node('Person', born=1956, name='Tom Hanks')
Note: don't forget the .first()
. Without it you get a NodeMatch
object, which is probably not what you want.
There may be performance differences based upon your use case. As a general rule it's better to be specific in queries (in this case using the label "Person" would assist performance).
Find the movie with title "Cloud Atlas"...
.. code-block:: cypher
MATCH (cloudAtlas {title: "Cloud Atlas"}) RETURN cloudAtlas
.. code-block:: python
node_matcher.match(title="Cloud Atlas").first()
Out[]: Node('Movie', released=2012, tagline='Everything is connected', title='Cloud Atlas')
Find 10 people...
.. code-block:: cypher
MATCH (people:Person) RETURN LIMIT 10
.. code-block:: python
Out[]: [Node('Person', born=1964, name='Keanu Reeves'),
Node('Person', born=1967, name='Carrie-Anne Moss'),
Node('Person', born=1961, name='Laurence Fishburne'),
Node('Person', born=1960, name='Hugo Weaving'),
Node('Person', born=1967, name='Lilly Wachowski'),
Node('Person', born=1965, name='Lana Wachowski'),
Node('Person', born=1952, name='Joel Silver'),
Node('Person', born=1978, name='Emil Eifrem'),
Node('Person', born=1964, name='Keanu Reeves'),
Node('Person', born=1967, name='Carrie-Anne Moss')]
Note: don't forget the .all()
. Without it you get a NodeMatch
object, which is probably not what you want.
Find movies released in the 1990s...
.. code-block:: cypher
MATCH (nineties:Movie) WHERE nineties.released >= 1990 AND nineties.released < 2000 RETURN nineties.title
There are a list of standard operators available such as =
, <>
, etc.
See the full list here:
.. code-block:: python
node_matcher.match("Movie").where('_.released >= 1990', '_.released < 2000')
Out[] = [Node('Movie', released=1999, tagline='Welcome to the Real World', title='The Matrix'),
Node('Movie', released=1992, tagline="In the heart of the nation's capital, in a courthouse of the U.S. government, one man will stop at nothing to keep his honor, and one will stop at nothing to find the truth.", title='A Few Good Men'),
Node('Movie', released=1992, tagline='Once in a lifetime you get a chance to do something different.', title='A League of Their Own'),
Node('Movie', released=1999, tagline='First loves last. Forever.', title='Snow Falling on Cedars'),
Node('Movie', released=1996, tagline='In every life there comes a time when that thing you dream becomes that thing you do', title='That Thing You Do'),
Node('Movie', released=1998, tagline='After life there is more. The end is just the beginning.', title='What Dreams May Come'),
Node('Movie', released=1998, tagline='At odds in life... in love on-line.', title='When Harry Met Sally'),
Watch the prefix "_."
in the where
Query +++++
Finding patterns within the graph.
- Actors are people who acted in movies
- Directors are people who directed a movie
- What other relationships exist?
Connect to the database:
.. code-block:: python
from py2neo import Graph
graph = Graph(password='[yoursekretpasswordhere]')
There are multiple methods of instantiating RelationshipMatcher
.. code-block:: python
relationship_matcher = RelationshipMatcher(graph) relationship_matcher.match()
this is the same as:
List all Tom Hanks movies...
.. code-block:: cypher
MATCH (tom:Person {name: "Tom Hanks"})-[:ACTED_IN]->(tomHanksMovies) RETURN tom,tomHanksMovies
.. code-block:: python
graph.nodes.match(name="Tom Hanks").first()
graph.match(nodes=[tom], r_type="ACTED_IN").all()
Out[]: [ACTED_IN(Node('Person', born=1956, name='Tom Hanks'), Node('Movie', released=2006, tagline='Break The Codes', title='The Da Vinci Code'), roles=['Dr. Robert Langdon']),
ACTED_IN(Node('Person', born=1956, name='Tom Hanks'), Node('Movie', released=1990, tagline='A story of love, lava and burning desire.', title='Joe Versus the Volcano'), roles=['Joe Banks']),
ACTED_IN(Node('Person', born=1956, name='Tom Hanks'), Node('Movie', released=1999, tagline="Walk a mile you'll never forget.", title='The Green Mile'), roles=['Paul Edgecomb']),
ACTED_IN(Node('Person', born=1956, name='Tom Hanks'), Node('Movie', released=2012, tagline='Everything is connected', title='Cloud Atlas'), roles=['Zachry', 'Dr. Henry Goose', 'Isaac Sachs', 'Dermot Hoggins']),
ACTED_IN(Node('Person', born=1956, name='Tom Hanks'), Node('Movie', released=2004, tagline='This Holiday Season… Believe', title='The Polar Express'), roles=['Hero Boy', 'Father', 'Conductor', 'Hobo', 'Scrooge', 'Santa Claus']),
ACTED_IN(Node('Person', born=1956, name='Tom Hanks'), Node('Movie', released=1996, tagline='In every life there comes a time when that thing you dream becomes that thing you do', title='That Thing You Do'), roles=['Mr. White'])]
Who directed "Cloud Atlas"?
.. code-block:: cypher
MATCH (cloudAtlas {title: "Cloud Atlas"})<-[:DIRECTED]-(directors) RETURN
This is possible, but getting out of the scope of py2neo
, the following are all cases where falling back to native cypher is probably best.
.. code-block:: python
results ='MATCH (cloudAtlas {title: "Cloud Atlas"})<-[:DIRECTED]-(directors) RETURN')
Out[]: [{'': 'Tom Tykwer'},
{'': 'Lilly Wachowski'},
{'': 'Lana Wachowski'}]
The following will produce the same result, although is less elegant:
.. code-block:: python
cloudAtlas = matcher.match(title="Cloud Atlas").first()
directors = graph.match(r_type="DIRECTED", nodes=(None, cloudAtlas)) # << see notes about use of nodes=() here
for director in directors:
.. code-block::
Tom Tykwer
Lilly Wachowski
Lana Wachowski
There are several important things to note here:
is a kwarg to.match()
is a set, of:(NodeTo, NodeFrom)
-- in this case, the "from" Node isNone
, because that's the undefined data that we want to find.
In the "List all Tom Hanks movies..." example above only one of the nodes
set is defined -- we were less e
xplicit with our requirements. For this kwarg the correct number of inputs in the set is one or two, in a particular order.
Tom Hanks' co-actors...
.. code-block:: cypher
MATCH (tom:Person {name:"Tom Hanks"})-[:ACTED_IN]->(m)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(coActors) RETURN
.. code-block:: python
results ='MATCH (tom:Person {name:"Tom Hanks"})-[:ACTED_IN]->(m)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(coActors) RETURN')
Out[]: [{'': 'Bill Paxton'},
{'': 'Madonna'},
{'': 'Geena Davis'},
{'': 'Lori Petty'},
{'': 'Philip Seymour Hoffman'},
{'': 'Meg Ryan'},
{'': 'Parker Posey'},
{'': 'Dave Chappelle'},
{'': 'Greg Kinnear'},
{'': 'Meg Ryan'}]
| How people are related to "Cloud Atlas"...
.. code-block:: cypher
MATCH (people:Person)-[relatedTo]-(:Movie {title: "Cloud Atlas"}) RETURN, Type(relatedTo), relatedTo
.. code-block:: python
results ='MATCH (people:Person)-[relatedTo]-(:Movie {title: "Cloud Atlas"}) RETURN, Type(relatedTo), relatedTo')
Out[]: [{'': 'Halle Berry',
'Type(relatedTo)': 'ACTED_IN',
'relatedTo': ACTED_IN(Node('Person', born=1966, name='Halle Berry'), Node('Movie', released=2012, tagline='Everything is connected', title='Cloud Atlas'), roles=['Luisa Rey', 'Jocasta Ayrs', 'Ovid', 'Meronym'])},
{'': 'Stefan Arndt',
'Type(relatedTo)': 'PRODUCED',
'relatedTo': PRODUCED(Node('Person', born=1961, name='Stefan Arndt'), Node('Movie', released=2012, tagline='Everything is connected', title='Cloud Atlas'))},
{'': 'Hugo Weaving',
'Type(relatedTo)': 'ACTED_IN',
'relatedTo': ACTED_IN(Node('Person', born=1960, name='Hugo Weaving'), Node('Movie', released=2012, tagline='Everything is connected', title='Cloud Atlas'), roles=['Bill Smoke', 'Haskell Moore', 'Tadeusz Kesselring', 'Nurse Noakes', 'Boardman Mephi', 'Old Georgie'])},
{'': 'Lilly Wachowski',
'Type(relatedTo)': 'DIRECTED',
'relatedTo': DIRECTED(Node('Person', born=1967, name='Lilly Wachowski'), Node('Movie', released=2012, tagline='Everything is connected', title='Cloud Atlas'))},
{'': 'Tom Tykwer',
'Type(relatedTo)': 'DIRECTED',
'relatedTo': DIRECTED(Node('Person', born=1965, name='Tom Tykwer'), Node('Movie', released=2012, tagline='Everything is connected', title='Cloud Atlas'))},
{'': 'Tom Hanks',
'Type(relatedTo)': 'ACTED_IN',
'relatedTo': ACTED_IN(Node('Person', born=1956, name='Tom Hanks'), Node('Movie', released=2012, tagline='Everything is connected', title='Cloud Atlas'), roles=['Zachry', 'Dr. Henry Goose', 'Isaac Sachs', 'Dermot Hoggins'])},
{'': 'Jim Broadbent',
'Type(relatedTo)': 'ACTED_IN',
'relatedTo': ACTED_IN(Node('Person', born=1949, name='Jim Broadbent'), Node('Movie', released=2012, tagline='Everything is connected', title='Cloud Atlas'), roles=['Vyvyan Ayrs', 'Captain Molyneux', 'Timothy Cavendish'])},
{'': 'Lana Wachowski',
'Type(relatedTo)': 'DIRECTED',
'relatedTo': DIRECTED(Node('Person', born=1965, name='Lana Wachowski'), Node('Movie', released=2012, tagline='Everything is connected', title='Cloud Atlas'))},
{'': 'David Mitchell',
'Type(relatedTo)': 'WROTE',
'relatedTo': WROTE(Node('Person', born=1969, name='David Mitchell'), Node('Movie', released=2012, tagline='Everything is connected', title='Cloud Atlas'))}]
has strengths far beyond cypher
, though cypher
is also magically strong, so we're not too fussed by dropping back to native cypher
here. We get the best of both worlds.
For example:
.. code-block:: python
>>> results.to_table() | Type(relatedTo) | relatedTo
Halle Berry | ACTED_IN | (Halle Berry)-[:ACTED_IN {roles: ['Luisa Rey', 'Jocasta Ayrs', 'Ovid', 'Meronym']}]->(_64)
Stefan Arndt | PRODUCED | (Stefan Arndt)-[:PRODUCED {}]->(_64)
Hugo Weaving | ACTED_IN | (Hugo Weaving)-[:ACTED_IN {roles: ['Bill Smoke', 'Haskell Moore', 'Tadeusz Kesselring', 'Nurse Noakes', 'Boardman Mephi', 'Old Georgie']}]->(_64)
Lilly Wachowski | DIRECTED | (Lilly Wachowski)-[:DIRECTED {}]->(_64)
Tom Tykwer | DIRECTED | (Tom Tykwer)-[:DIRECTED {}]->(_64)
Tom Hanks | ACTED_IN | (Tom Hanks)-[:ACTED_IN {roles: ['Zachry', 'Dr. Henry Goose', 'Isaac Sachs', 'Dermot Hoggins']}]->(_64)
Jim Broadbent | ACTED_IN | (Jim Broadbent)-[:ACTED_IN {roles: ['Vyvyan Ayrs', 'Captain Molyneux', 'Timothy Cavendish']}]->(_64)
Lana Wachowski | DIRECTED | (Lana Wachowski)-[:DIRECTED {}]->(_64)
David Mitchell | WROTE | (David Mitchell)-[:WROTE {}]->(_64)
Other possible completions are:
.. code-block:: python
# pandas
# sympy
# numpy
.. image:: magic.gif
Solve +++++
You've heard of the classic "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon"? That is simply a shortest path query called the "Bacon Path".
1. Variable length patterns
2. Built-in shortestPath() algorithm
Movies and actors up to 4 "hops" away from Kevin Bacon
.. code-block:: cypher
MATCH (bacon:Person {name:"Kevin Bacon"})-[*1..4]-(hollywood)
.. code-block:: python
results ='MATCH (bacon:Person {name:"Kevin Bacon"})-[*1..4]-(hollywood) RETURN DISTINCT hollywood')
Out[]: [{'hollywood': Node('Person', born=1971, name='Paul Bettany')},
{'hollywood': Node('Person', born=1956, name='Tom Hanks')},
{'hollywood': Node('Person', born=1976, name='Audrey Tautou')},
{'hollywood': Node('Person', born=1939, name='Ian McKellen')},
{'hollywood': Node('Movie', released=2006, tagline='Break The Codes', title='The Da Vinci Code')},
{'hollywood': Node('Person', born=1977, name='Liv Tyler')},
{'hollywood': Node('Movie', released=1996, tagline='In every life there comes a time when that thing you dream becomes that thing you do', title='That Thing You Do')}]
Note that this return a lot of results:
.. code-block:: python
results ='MATCH (bacon:Person {name:"Kevin Bacon"})-[*1..4]-(hollywood) RETURN DISTINCT hollywood') len(
.. code-block::
Out[]: 133
Bacon path, the shortest path of any relationships to Meg Ryan
.. code-block:: cypher
MATCH p=shortestPath(
(bacon:Person {name:"Kevin Bacon"})-[*]-(meg:Person {name:"Meg Ryan"})
.. code-block:: python
results ='MATCH p=shortestPath((bacon:Person {name:"Kevin Bacon"})-[*]-(meg:Person {name:"Meg Ryan"})) RETURN p')
Out[]: [{'p': Path(subgraph=Subgraph({Node('Person', born=1958, name='Kevin Bacon'), Node('Movie', released=1992, tagline="In the heart of the
nation's capital, in a courthouse of the U.S. government, one man will stop at nothing to keep his honor, and one will stop at nothing
to find the truth.", title='A Few Good Men'), Node('Person', born=1947, name='Rob Reiner'), Node('Movie', released=1998, tagline='At odds
in life... in love on-line.', title='When Harry Met Sally'), Node('Person', born=1961, name='Meg Ryan')}, {ACTED_IN(Node('Person', born=1958,
name='Kevin Bacon'), Node('Movie', released=1992, tagline="In the heart of the nation's capital, in a courthouse of the U.S. government, one
man will stop at nothing to keep his honor, and one will stop at nothing to find the truth.", title='A Few Good Men'), roles=['Capt. Jack
Ross']), DIRECTED(Node('Person', born=1947, name='Rob Reiner'), Node('Movie', released=1992, tagline="In the heart of the nation's capital,
in a courthouse of the U.S. government, one man will stop at nothing to keep his honor, and one will stop at nothing to find the truth.",
title='A Few Good Men')), PRODUCED(Node('Person', born=1947, name='Rob Reiner'), Node('Movie', released=1998, tagline='At odds in life...
in love on-line.', title='When Harry Met Sally')), ACTED_IN(Node('Person', born=1961, name='Meg Ryan'), Node('Movie', released=1998,
tagline='At odds in life... in love on-line.', title='When Harry Met Sally'), roles=['Sally Albright'])}), sequence=(Node('Person',born=1958,
name='Kevin Bacon'), ACTED_IN(Node('Person', born=1958, name='Kevin Bacon'), Node('Movie', released=1992, tagline="In the heart of the
nation's capital, in a courthouse of the U.S. government, one man will stop at nothing to keep his honor, and one will stop at nothing to
find the truth.", title='A Few Good Men'), roles=['Capt. Jack Ross']), Node('Movie', released=1992, tagline="In the heart of the nation's
capital, in a courthouse of the U.S. government, one man will stop at nothing to keep his honor, and one will stop at nothing to find the
truth.", title='A Few Good Men'), DIRECTED(Node('Person', born=1947, name='Rob Reiner'), Node('Movie', released=1992, tagline="In the heart
of the nation's capital, in a courthouse of the U.S. government, one man will stop at nothing to keep his honor, and one will stop at
nothing to find the truth.", title='A Few Good Men')), Node('Person', born=1947, name='Rob Reiner'), PRODUCED(Node('Person', born=1947,
name='Rob Reiner'), Node('Movie', released=1998, tagline='At odds in life... in love on-line.', title='When Harry Met Sally')), Node('Movie',
released=1998, tagline='At odds in life... in love on-line.', title='When Harry Met Sally'), ACTED_IN(Node('Person', born=1961, name='Meg
Ryan'), Node('Movie', released=1998, tagline='At odds in life... in love on-line.', title='When Harry Met Sally'), roles=['Sally Albright']),
Node('Person', born=1961, name='Meg Ryan')))}]
For more about shortest path:
Recommend +++++++++
Let's recommend new co-actors for Tom Hanks. A basic recommendation approach is to find connections past an immediate neighborhood which are themselves well connected.
For Tom Hanks, that means:
1. Find actors that Tom Hanks hasn't yet worked with, but his co-actors have.
2. Find someone who can introduce Tom to his potential co-actor.
Extend Tom Hanks co-actors, to find co-co-actors who haven't worked with Tom Hanks...
.. code-block:: cypher
MATCH (tom:Person {name:"Tom Hanks"})-[:ACTED_IN]->(m)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(coActors),
WHERE NOT (tom)-[:ACTED_IN]->()<-[:ACTED_IN]-(cocoActors) AND tom <> cocoActors
RETURN AS Recommended, count(*) AS Strength ORDER BY Strength DESC
.. code-block:: python
results ='MATCH (tom:Person {name:"Tom Hanks"})-[:ACTED_IN]->(m)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(coActors), (coActors)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m2)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(cocoActors) WHERE NOT (tom)-[:ACTED_IN]->()<-[:ACTED_IN]-(cocoActors) AND tom <> cocoActors RETURN AS Recommended, count(*) AS Strength ORDER BY Strength DESC')
Out[]: [{'Recommended': 'Tom Cruise', 'Strength': 5},
{'Recommended': 'Cuba Gooding Jr.', 'Strength': 4},
{'Recommended': 'Keanu Reeves', 'Strength': 4},
{'Recommended': 'Carrie Fisher', 'Strength': 3},
{'Recommended': 'Carrie-Anne Moss', 'Strength': 3},
{'Recommended': 'Kelly McGillis', 'Strength': 3},
{'Recommended': 'Val Kilmer', 'Strength': 3},
{'Recommended': 'Laurence Fishburne', 'Strength': 3},
{'Recommended': 'Jack Nicholson', 'Strength': 3},
{'Recommended': 'Emil Eifrem', 'Strength': 1},
{'Recommended': 'Christian Bale', 'Strength': 1},
{'Recommended': 'Robin Williams', 'Strength': 1},
{'Recommended': 'Demi Moore', 'Strength': 1},
{'Recommended': 'Aaron Sorkin', 'Strength': 1},
{'Recommended': 'Natalie Portman', 'Strength': 1}]
Find someone to introduce Tom Hanks to Tom Cruise
.. code-block:: cypher
MATCH (tom:Person {name:"Tom Hanks"})-[:ACTED_IN]->(m)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(coActors),
(coActors)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m2)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(cruise:Person {name:"Tom Cruise"})
RETURN tom, m, coActors, m2, cruise
.. code-block:: python
results ='MATCH (tom:Person {name:"Tom Hanks"})-[:ACTED_IN]->(m)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(coActors), (coActors)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m2)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(cruise:Person {name:"Tom Cruise"}) RETURN tom, m, coActors, m2, cruise')
Out[]: [{'tom': Node('Person', born=1956, name='Tom Hanks'),
'm': Node('Movie', released=1990, tagline='A story of love, lava and burning desire.', title='Joe Versus the Volcano'),
'coActors': Node('Person', born=1961, name='Meg Ryan'),
'm2': Node('Movie', released=1986, tagline='I feel the need, the need for speed.', title='Top Gun'),
'cruise': Node('Person', born=1962, name='Tom Cruise')},
{'tom': Node('Person', born=1956, name='Tom Hanks'),
'm': Node('Movie', released=1999, tagline="Walk a mile you'll never forget.", title='The Green Mile'),
'coActors': Node('Person', born=1961, name='Bonnie Hunt'),
'm2': Node('Movie', released=2000, tagline='The rest of his life begins now.', title='Jerry Maguire'),
'cruise': Node('Person', born=1962, name='Tom Cruise')},
{'tom': Node('Person', born=1956, name='Tom Hanks'),
'm': Node('Movie', released=1998, tagline='At odds in life... in love on-line.', title="You've Got Mail"),
'coActors': Node('Person', born=1961, name='Meg Ryan'),
'm2': Node('Movie', released=1986, tagline='I feel the need, the need for speed.', title='Top Gun'),
'cruise': Node('Person', born=1962, name='Tom Cruise')},
{'tom': Node('Person', born=1956, name='Tom Hanks'),
'm': Node('Movie', released=1995, tagline='Houston, we have a problem.', title='Apollo 13'),
'coActors': Node('Person', born=1958, name='Kevin Bacon'),
'm2': Node('Movie', released=1992, tagline="In the heart of the nation's capital, in a courthouse of the U.S. government, one man will stop at nothing to keep his honor, and one will stop at nothing to find the truth.", title='A Few Good Men'),
'cruise': Node('Person', born=1962, name='Tom Cruise')},
{'tom': Node('Person', born=1956, name='Tom Hanks'),
'm': Node('Movie', released=1993, tagline='What if someone you never met, someone you never saw, someone you never knew was the only someone for you?', title='Sleepless in Seattle'),
'coActors': Node('Person', born=1961, name='Meg Ryan'),
'm2': Node('Movie', released=1986, tagline='I feel the need, the need for speed.', title='Top Gun'),
'cruise': Node('Person', born=1962, name='Tom Cruise')}]
This allows you to use the full force of python on the results. That's pretty great.
Clean up
When you're done experimenting, you can remove the movie data set.
1. Nodes can't be deleted if relationships exist
2. Delete both nodes and relationships together
*WARNING: This will remove all Person and Movie nodes!*
Delete all Movie and Person nodes, and their relationships
.. code-block:: cypher
.. code-block:: python
graph = Graph(password='[yoursekretpasswordhere]')
Out[]: 253
.. code-block:: python
# !! WARNING: This will remove all Person and Movie nodes !!
Confirm that the Movie Graph is gone
.. code-block:: cypher
.. code-block:: python
Out[]: 0
.. code-block:: python
Out[]: []
This guide does not cover many interesting features of ``neo4j`` and ``py2neo`` such as the ability to ``update`` and ``merge``:
Importantly the ``ogm`` (**"Object Graph Mapper"**, analogous to the ``orm`` "Object Relational Mapper" used by many frameworks for traditional relational databases) feature is not covered here: