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Screenshots are not localized
Hey there,
I wanted to say that on your home page ( the screenshots aren't localized into the users language. I think it will be a good addition to the website, especially for the newcomers of Elementary or just LInux in itself.
Want to back this issue? Post a bounty on it! We accept bounties via Bountysource.
I'm going to go ahead and wishlist this, it would be very cool, but would equally be a lot of work for very little benefit.
I understand. But I guess there would be some people in various areas (including me, Holland) who would like to help with this :-) Ask in you blog or so ;-)
html:lang(ru) .page-index .hero { background: url(''); } html:lang(de) .page-index .hero { background: url(''); } html:lang(fr) .page-index .hero { background: url(''); } Need only more images and some styles for main languages.
I can get you a list of the top languages, but the main issue is getting 10 or so screenshots of a clean install.
These are the languages that constitute more than 1% of our visitors. You will require 10 extra screenshots, preferably in the exact same format as the original (resolution, file type, clean install, etc.)
- en 52.37%
- es 14.23%
- ru 6.23%
- de 4.67%
- fr 3.64%
- it 3.13%
- pt_BR 2.60%
- zh 2.02%
- pl 1.84%
- nl 1.26%
- tr 1.19%
April - May 2016
- en 48.05%
- es 13.47%
- ru 6.54%
- de 4.47%
- it 3.63%
- pt_BR 3.43%
- fr 2.87%
- pt 2.79%
- zh 2.42%
- pl 1.82%
- nl 1.15%
- tr 1.00%