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Adds chunk hashing for cache busting to Webpack
Fixes #2093
Changes Summary
- Adds cache busting for JS built in Webpack
- Adds cache busting for CSS via adding a time string to CSS files
- Updates Webpack to v4
- Uses Terser Webpack Plugin as new default method for minification
This pull request [ is ] ready for review.
We need a manifest generated and a bit of PHP to lookup the file names in that manifest
Added a manifest file for both the JS and CSS parts. Unfortunately I can't seem to figure out how to chunk common the same way that it was being before upgrading Webpack, so jQuery is getting loaded multiple times.
If I recall correctly I think some other chunk was pulling in jQuery as well? I'll pull again and take a look at it.
Still never got a chance to check out the jQuery issue but I did resolve conflicts and bump some dependencies.
Closed as stale